Dear Montana,
Wow, this new Forum is great, NOT; I intended to Edit this post but no link appeared… again! Can we shit can this new abominable system and reinstate the old Forum that actually functioned reliably? BTW, I’ve continually been informed that Sheri’s Ranch Ladies are “Independent Contractors”, but with all these rules and restrictions one might think Courtesans are Sheri’s Ranch “Employees” rather than “Independent Contractors”; however, if Courtesans were Sheri’s Ranch “Employees” management would be required to provide Health Insurance, Paid Vacations, Paid Holidays and possibly a Retirement Plan. OK, I see the light, Courtesans are definitely “Independent Contractors” due to this corporate dilemma. Maybe Courtesan Independent Contractors need a representation association? After all, it’s the oldest profession in history, but yet Courtesans still have no employment benefits, defense alliance or negotiating leverage. I believe human rights are federally mandated today and Courtesans must not be exempted, since this would constitute discrimination of their profession and the Ladies individually.