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Ooh I’ll chime in…
Word: mmm I think it was “tu mama” with a pointing finger gesture LoL (my dad would say “vamos con tu mama!” which means lets go with your mom)
Kiss: 15.. The weekend before I started high school.. I was a bit of a late bloomer 🙂
Job: 17.. It was at a peach cannery… Pay was amazing but not fun at all!!
Car: 17.. 2004 GMC Canyon! That was my baby, I had it “hooked up” with rims, an amazing sound system, I thought I was ‘hot shit’! hahaha
Living on my own: 22.. Medical reasons kept me at home longer than anticipated.. But have loved my independence since then!
Plane ride: I was probably a few months old.. My family loved to travel..
Brothel: 24.. Sheri’s Ranch of course.. It has also always been my home!
Toy: 21 Pocket Rocket… I don’t know why I waited so long to ever get one?
Two girl party: 24 with the very beautiful and very sexy Phoenix (we literally met like 30 minutes before the party and have been great friends since then!) She was also my first threesome experience, period! 🙂

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