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LPIN Awards voter registration for award year 2017 closes December 31, 2017. There are only three weeks remaining to register for the LPIN 22 Awards Contest.

The voter registration period is separate from the nominating and voting rounds, so clients can’t register to vote for the 2017 contest after December 31, 2017.

Clients who don’t register before 12/31/17 must wait to register for the 2018 contest at the Annual Reno Meeting from July 18 thru July 22, 2018 or the normal LPIN 23 voter registration period which will be November 1 thru December 31, 2018.

Please register to vote before the deadline, so you don’t disappoint your favorite Courtesans and Brothels.
[color=blue][u][url=http://lpinawards.com/index.php?topic=129.0]LPIN 22 Awards Voter Registration Announcement[/url][/u][/color]

Clients whose handles appear on the [color=blue][u][url=http://lpinawards.com/index.php?topic=93.0]LPIN Awards Registered Voters List[/url][/u][/color] do not need to register again.

Courtesan clients and Brothel Personnel are urged to register as
[color=blue][u][url=http://lpinawards.com/index.php?action=register]LPIN Awards board members[/url][/u][/color] so they can PM Awards Committee members or the “LPIN Awards Committee” handle. Also, the PM system could be used as an emergency backup for the automated ballot casting system for registered voters. Note: LPIN Awards board registration is separate from voter registration.

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