Seeing all these stories made me remember my first time at Sheri’s. In ’02, I was in radio at that time, doing research for my morning show about Nevada’s brothel industry. I popped into Sheri’s website at the time & got intrigued by the ladies, of course; also at that time, I wasn’t ready to engage sexually. But I was heading out to Vegas later for a vacay anyway, so I kept it in mind. So when I hit Sin City & did all the usual stuff there, within reason, I made a choice to visit Sheri’s on my last day. After about five grueling minutes in their parking lot, I popped in through the bar doors, wondering what I got myself into. Luckily the bartender at the time, Janey, eased my uncertainty with a smile, a warm greeting & most of all, let me ease myself into Sheri’s world.
The usual stuff happened, drinks on my stool at the bar, ladies appeared wondering who I was, until a smooth chocolate-skinned beauty started talking with me. I think her name was “Skylar”. Anyway, we talked for a little bit, then she moved on to let others have a shot. Maybe it was just to check in on me, but when she appeared a second time, that’s when I made the decision to venture beyond the curtain. She was pleasant & understanding as we went through the process (tour, negotiation, actual encounter…)
I’ve been back to Vegas every year since then, making Sheri’s a must stop, & for three of those years, I stayed at their resort I affectionately call “The Lion’s Den”. I haven’t been back to Sheri’s since my last visit in ’12 & things may have changed a lot since then, but if the heavens allow, I’ll make another visit. ’til then, I’ll just be a lurker from up north, keeping abreast of what’s happening at the end of Homestead Road.
Hope that’s this wasn’t too wordy…