I have a word I’d like to share!!! I’ve practice saying it over and over as I type my post and I must admit, it never gets old. You can whisper it, say it slowly, or let it linger on your lips at the end. How every you say it, there’s only one way to do it 😉
verb (used with object)
1. to push forcibly; shove; put or drive with force: He thrust his way through the crowd. She thrust a dagger into his back.
2. to put boldly forth or impose acceptance of: to thrust oneself into a conversation between others; to thrust a dollar into the waiter’s hand.
3. to extend; present: He thrust his fist in front of my face.
4. Archaic. to stab or pierce, as with a sword: She thrust his back with a dagger.
verb (used without object)
5. to push against something.
6. to push or force one’s way, as against obstacles or through a crowd.
7. to make a thrust, lunge, or stab at something.
I want to use it in a sentence but I’m not sure I can keep it PG.