These are some Sex & Nudity Guidelines & General Conduct Stipulations to the best of my limited knowledge, so you may want to confirm with Sheri’s Staff or Courtesans.
I understand Sex is allowed after negotiations only in approved rooms… the Lady’s personal assigned room, 5 standard Bungalows, Playland Bungalow #6, Bachelor Party Suite, Jacuzzi Suite and Bubble Bath Suite, but sex in the water is questionable due to possible condom protection failure… There are positively no surveillance cameras in party rooms, so no films are available to purchase for posterity. However, the rooms may be infrequently monitored audibly for Sheri’s Ladies’ safety and protection from clients or vice versa. Also, I believe there are security buttons in all party rooms for medical or safety emergencies.
Sheri’s Courtesans are prohibited from visiting a guest’s hotel room; however, a guest may share that room with a man or woman who is not a Sheri’s Courtesan. Of course guests may indulge in sex within their hotel rooms, but without the company of Sheri’s Courtesans. A patron may talk with a Sheri’s Lady in the Sports Bar and swimming pool area, but sex is not allowed. Ladies and gentlemen hotel guests and partiers may use the outside hot tub or swimming pool, but must wear at least bathing suit bottoms… again sex is only allowed in designated rooms. In addition, everyone must wear top and bottom covering plus footwear in the Sports Bar or Sheri’s Office. There exist surveillance cameras in the Sports Bar, the main building and outside property including the swimming pool area for everyone’s protection.
Patrons are not allowed past the Sports Bar curtain leading to the Parlor and Ladies’ rooms unless accompanied by Sheri’s Personnel or to visit their Sheri’s Hotel room or Sheri’s Ranch Office. Patrons are basically only granted access to the Sports Bar Restaurant and restrooms; the Driver’s lounge, Ladies’ dining room, behind the bar and beyond the swinging door leading out of the bar to the Ladies’ rooms hallway are all off limits. Patrons are not allowed to venture past the Sports Bar curtain if a lineup is in progress or a hostess is conducting a post party interview. Clients often desire total anonymity, so only people directly involved are allowed access for that period of time and other patrons may not view those private proceedings. Patrons are advised against loitering in the Parlor, since that requires Courtesans not on duty to be escorted by Sheri’s personnel past when traveling from their rooms; furthermore, Courtesans may not converse with a patron until she has been cleared for work in compliance with Nevada Brothel Laws. Also, laptop or wireless phone usage and picture taking are not allowed in the Sports Bar or other stipulated areas for patrons’ privacy.