Miss Amy,
Relationships between Sheri’s Courtesans and clients are analogous to dates anywhere. It appears you believe clients and Courtesans are lustful animals, and maybe that excites you somewhat. A Sheri’s Courtesan is not authorized intimacy with more than one man simultaneously, and proper protection must always be utilized. We don’t abuse one another’s body or engage in inappropriate public displays; nudity and touching are prohibited except by mutual consent in a Lady’s room. In addition, a Courtesan is skilled in the art of making love and isn’t a frigid bigot afraid to explore her sexuality. My Courtesan and I have on occasion enjoyed an intelligent civilized conversation over dinner and played pool without ever venturing to her boudoir. Although I admit my fantasy is performing cunnilingus on the Sports Bar pool table after everyone has gone past closing time, lol. My Courtesan and I spend time together building romantic chemistry or establishing some type of connection before considering lovemaking. The STD risk is much higher for men dating women not subject to regular brothel medical examinations; I wouldn’t consider picking up a woman at a bar who is infinitely more likely to be STD infected. Also, it’s difficult to rot in hell if one is already dead. There are many religious hypocrites who attend Church solely for dates or finding a new mate, and that’s a fact! Plus the STD rate is undoubtedly greater for Church congregations.