Dude I know what your going through I had a similar yet limited problem with identity theft years and years ago ( before the internet was even a consideration.). The truth is it takes time and effort what it takes differs from situation to situation there is no universal pat answer. Perhaps the route FF suggested might be helpful.
As far as issues outside the ranch I can tell you this with much confidence. Its not going to go away easy and will probably take A LOT of time. The issues that plagued me still endure in the back of my mind. In my particular situation I have reams of paperwork and a small legal team ( Lead by one of my best friends) on the ready to knock any roadblock or impediment the hell out of my way. Over the years this problem has reared its ugly head more than once, which is why I have developed the practices and procedures I have. Now if and when it comes around its more of a minor annoyance than anything else but overall its not a brief process. The best advise I can offer you is “paper your file” you said you had this person jailed…good….can you get any paperwork on this incident. Documents, documents, documents. You haven’t tipped your hand as to how this problem has effected you beyond the walls of the ranch but tangible evidence goes a long way particularly if this rears its head again in 5, 10, 20 years. You truly need to think long term on this. In addition, don’t count out the possibility of this happening again ( Yep, it happened to me 3 more times). If the root cause of your predicament was based off of the loss/theft of your cell phone the chance of this coming around again is slim, this was not at all similar to my case.
Please use this as a lesson and a precautionary tale as to how and who you release personal information to/about. The information age has lead most of us to thoughtlessly reveal almost anything about our identity…..not a good thing.
Good Luck,