(800) 506-3565 media@sherisranch.com

Mr Hammer,

First off, major props for getting the best of cancer! Second, you essentially have a Dr’s referral to visit a brothel filled with exquisite women, and you STILL aren’t sure?!?! Do it! 😉
Now for your questions I’ll be as straight as I can:
-Sheri’s deals with all sorts customers, and I can confidently say that your concerns won’t be an issue for most of the women there. Shyness, virginity, and all manner of disabilities are actually pretty common, and will be handled with skill and compassion.
-Shyness will only be an issue if you let it keep you from communicating what you are looking for. Don’t do that. Be a bit shy or nervous is to be expected though. The ladies understand, and many would describe themselves as shy too.
-There is no “proper” attire. That said, being well dressed is going to help your cause. If you really want to make an impression, sport a sharp suit. Jeans and a nice shirt will work just fine as well. Hell, I’ve even seen a dude stroll in wearing 70’s style sweatpants and a hoodie! (Warning! That gentleman quickly found that everyone was “busy”, and his visit was NOT a success!). You don’t have to be a male model, but being clean and well groomed is a MUST! Which leads me to my next point…
-You asked about negotiable prices, and the short answer is “Yes”, each woman sets her own prices, and activities that can be negotiated. With that in mind, your date will be much more willing to work with your budget if you are nice, clean, respectful and polite…you know, someone she might actually want to have sex with! Realistically, I think you’re looking at a minimum of several hundred. Not cheap, I know, but I doubt that you’d regret it.

My advice:
-Rock a suit and tie, or dress up as much as possible so that you’re looking your best. It shows you want to do this right.
-Don’t do the lineup. Sit at the bar and have a drink instead. This will give you a chance to relax a bit. If someone catches your eye, ask the hostess to talk with her, then buy her a drink (preferably from the amazing Marci!!), and chat.
-If you hit it off, she’ll ask if you want to go back to her room to negotiate. I suggest that you play it straight up, and explain your situation, what activities that you were interested in, and that you’re entire budget is $XXX. She will either agree, suggest a different time or activities, or just say no…but either way since you’ve indicated your bankroll is low, at least she won’t feel like you’re just chiseling her or be offended.

Hope that is somewhat helpful, and best of luck!


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