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Brothel Of the Year Lusciously Sexy Candy Buffet Bash!!!

Sheri’s Ranch has won Brothel of the Year (…can’t forget Courtesan of the year too!!!) two years running!!! Woo Woo!!!

The sexy ladies of Sheri’s Ranch all deserve a celebratory blowout bash, honoring us and all of our fabulousness! And what better time to celebrate then on one of Sheri’s infamous #WildWednesdays. Everyone and anyone is welcome to congratulate and celebrate with all of Sheri’s sexy vixens. Get to know all of the ladies that make Sheri’s the brothel of the year. Mingle with us fabulously naughty ladies over lusciously sexy sweets.

The festivities will begin around 5 pm. Everyone is invited to indulge in a lusciously sexy candy buffet, take a swag…make a sack of sweet treats to remember your sexy experience with all off us sexy ladies. Don’t forget to grab a souvenir from the lusciously sexy cake honoring all of gals…warning your imagination could potentially start running wild, you may end up engaging in some fabulously naughty fun!

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