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    cun•ni•lin•gus – noun [kə-ni-ˈliŋ-gəs]

    Cunnilingus – Oral stimulation of the vulva, clitoris & G-Spot.
    DATY – Dining at the Y.

    Variants of CUNNILINGUS
    cun•ni•lin•gus also cun•ni•linc•tus [kə-ni-ˈliŋ(k)-təs]
    Origin of CUNNILINGUS: New Latin, one who licks the vulva, from cunnus vulva + lingere to lick; cunnilinctus, New Latin, from Latin cunnus + linctus, act of licking, from lingere – more at lick. First known use: 1887.

    Sentence example: Firefighter is bilingual since he’s fluent in both English and Cunnilingus (the language of love)!



    To waste time (procrastinate) by pleasuring oneself (masturbate), putting off other work that one should be doing by masturbating.

    To screw oneself (figuratively) by not doing work when one should be.

    I had an english paper due, but I spent all day yesterday procrasturbaiting, and boy am I in trouble now.


    Yugen /yoo-genh/ n (japanese)

    An awareness of the universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and powerful for words.

    Eva M

    I have a word I’d like to share!!! I’ve practice saying it over and over as I type my post and I must admit, it never gets old. You can whisper it, say it slowly, or let it linger on your lips at the end. How every you say it, there’s only one way to do it 😉


    verb (used with object)
    1. to push forcibly; shove; put or drive with force: He thrust his way through the crowd. She thrust a dagger into his back.
    2. to put boldly forth or impose acceptance of: to thrust oneself into a conversation between others; to thrust a dollar into the waiter’s hand.
    3. to extend; present: He thrust his fist in front of my face.
    4. Archaic. to stab or pierce, as with a sword: She thrust his back with a dagger.
    verb (used without object)
    5. to push against something.
    6. to push or force one’s way, as against obstacles or through a crowd.
    7. to make a thrust, lunge, or stab at something.

    I want to use it in a sentence but I’m not sure I can keep it PG.



    A monster in Mexico that kills farm animals at night.

    Okay, it’s not sexy. But it sounds sexy when Olivia says it.



    The feeling or state of mind, ranging from a few minutes after to the morning, after sexual intercourse, especially exceptional intercourse. Feelings may include excessive drowsiness, prolongated state of Euphoria, and soreness of sexual organs.

    Jayden and I fucked for hours last night, I have such a bangover.


    he·don·ism [heed-n-iz-uhm] (noun)
    1. the doctrine that sexual pleasure or happiness is the highest good.
    2. devotion to pleasure as a way of life: The later Roman emperors were notorious for their hedonism.
    3. Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.
    4. Philosophy The ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant or has pleasant consequences is intrinsically good.
    5. Psychology The doctrine holding that behavior is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.
    [Greek hdon, pleasure; see swd- in Indo-European roots + -ism.]
    hedon·ist (noun)
    hedon·istic (adjective)
    hedon·isti·cal·ly (adverb)

    Hedonistic (Urban Dictionary)
    1. Pleasure seeking. Living for pleasurable sensations.
    2. Devoting one’s life is to pleasure seeking.
    3. Devoted to the pursuit of physical sensations, which are pleasurable, often sexual.
    My hedonistic tendencies surface when I’m with you in bed. Do it to me baby. Oh, oh, oh make me feel good. Pleasure me please please please, please me. Don’t stop now. Give it to me. Fulfill all my sexual desires. Fuck me! http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hedonistic


    Carnal Knowledge
    Copulation; the act of a man having sexual relations with a woman.
    Penetration is an essential element of sexual intercourse, and there is carnal knowledge if even the slightest penetration of the female by the male organ takes place. It is not required that the hymen be ruptured or the vagina entered.



    magic tricks performed as entertainment

    A little prestidigitation is a good icebreaker when pursuing a new romantic target at your favorite watering hole.

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