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  • #819

    Just wanted to have fun and share a few firsts I have experienced. Hope you enjoy and please share a few of your own!

    Word: 10 months “Baba” Yes, I have always enjoyed my food!
    Kiss: 12 With my bestfriend, yes a girl, yes I have always been curious 🙂
    Job: 14 Teaching dance classes like hip hop, ballet, and tap to ages 3 and up. Dancing is my true passion
    Car: 16 ’91 Ford Taurus , pretty big car for a little girl, friends laughed at my half of seat being so far up to reach!
    Living on my own: 17 The day after I graduated, independence!
    Plane ride: 21 To Vegas!
    Brothel: 23 Sheri’s Ranch of course, always been my home!
    Toy: 23 Mountable dildo, I do love being on top…should have got one waaay sooner!
    Two Girl Party: 23 with Kimber in Jacuzzi room for gentlemans bachelor party, hot!!

    Lenny Time

    I would add getting to party with you was a wonderful first time Sheri’s visit for me.
    Stay beautiful,


    Allissa that is some vita. Would other ladies want to share such information with us?


    Thanks Lenny! You are too sweet!

    Flint thank you, it was just for fun but yes that would be great to hear from others! Dont be shy 🙂


    Great list, wish I could have been in that party with you and Kimber!


    Yes a two girl party with Allissa would be special.


    Great topic…
    Love the opportunity to discover such an attractive woman is more than just another pretty face

    here are a few of mine:

    kiss (that counts): 14yo after school one day at my home during a spin-the-bottle game.
    car: 1967 el Camino
    sex: 15yo with a senior cheerleader after a party. she was rather polluted and having discovered i was still a virgin; she asked if i still wanted to be. talk about asking a stupid question…
    experience with a “pro”: 1985, Bangkok while on liberty during my time in the Marines. $20 went a looooong way over there.
    first brothel experience: 1988, hit a Royal Flush at a local bar, myself and two fraternity brothers went to Pahrump and spent every penny.


    @Techieguy That would add to more of our great two girl parties with hot blondes! 🙂

    Two girls parties are one of my specialties, the list is getting bigger!
    @Stonewall Thank you and I love your addition! And yes, very stupid question! haha


    Word: ?? months – “Hot” Was I describing the ladies at Sheri’s when I was still a toddler? Probably!
    Plane ride alone: 9 – California to Alabama
    Kiss: 11 – In an elevator on a 5th grade field trip, 10 seconds straight, you go!
    Car: 14.5 – ’78 MG Midget
    Job: 16 – Scooping ice cream at the beach
    Real relationship: 17 – Finally realized crushes get you no where, you need to act on your desires 😉
    Living on my own: 20 – In college and parents moved to a house with no extra rooms, get the hint? lol
    Brothel: Last weekend with the wonderful Allissa!


    Kiss – 10 on a school bus to a museum
    First base – 12 at a sleepover my sister was having
    Second base – two weeks later
    Third base – the next day
    Full sex – 14 I was drunk as was she (woke as her parents were pulling in driveway)
    First car – 17 bought a 1973 mustang convertible for $400 and spent 3 years fixing it
    Girlfriend – 16 finally broke up while I was in military
    first brothel – 28 NV along I-80
    First visit to Sheri’s – 39 and that was a few years ago and had hot date with a cute little redhead

    Amber Lynn

    Allissa you are FABULOUS! I love you topic!

    Word: Not quite sure
    Kiss: 8th grade…behind a tree
    Job: ice cream shop…its was the only place to work in my itty bitty town in KY…heck we only had one traffic light!
    Car: ’88 VW Jetta…you had to crank the sunroof!
    Living on my own: 17 when I went away to college
    Plane ride: too young to remeber
    Brothel: July 2011 @ Sheri’s
    Toy: If you have ever seen my collection…I have far too many to narrow it down to just one
    Two Girl Party: 2 girls are fabulous! I have had some fun one with Allissa…you can never go wrong with a blind folded cock sucking contest! It’s priceles! I love partying with Olivia too…she was my first here at the ranch!


    Ooh I’ll chime in…
    Word: mmm I think it was “tu mama” with a pointing finger gesture LoL (my dad would say “vamos con tu mama!” which means lets go with your mom)
    Kiss: 15.. The weekend before I started high school.. I was a bit of a late bloomer 🙂
    Job: 17.. It was at a peach cannery… Pay was amazing but not fun at all!!
    Car: 17.. 2004 GMC Canyon! That was my baby, I had it “hooked up” with rims, an amazing sound system, I thought I was ‘hot shit’! hahaha
    Living on my own: 22.. Medical reasons kept me at home longer than anticipated.. But have loved my independence since then!
    Plane ride: I was probably a few months old.. My family loved to travel..
    Brothel: 24.. Sheri’s Ranch of course.. It has also always been my home!
    Toy: 21 Pocket Rocket… I don’t know why I waited so long to ever get one?
    Two girl party: 24 with the very beautiful and very sexy Phoenix (we literally met like 30 minutes before the party and have been great friends since then!) She was also my first threesome experience, period! 🙂


    you can never go wrong with a blind folded cock sucking contest!

    Truer words were never written, lol!

    I think I just found the inscription for my tomb stone.


    Thank you for everyone adding their memories! I love it! Ladies thank you for participating too! I have had the pleasure with partying with both lovely blondes, I am a lucky woman. Maybe we need to show Pierced how this contest works!

    Amber Lynn

    I think that is a fantastic idea Allissa! Everyone should experience a blind folded cock sucking contest at least once in there life…especially with three amazing and ever so talented fabulous ladies such as the 3 of IS!

    What do you think Pierced? Can you handle us?


    I am but a mere mortal man…

    …but god damn I would try my hardest!


    In my college dorm we were all drinking and hanging out one night when I overheard a few girls talking about who gives better head. Obviously a conversation like this only comes up after a night of drinking :). One of them was a really cute brunette who I’d been trying to meet since the quarter started, so I walked over and told them that I’ve long held claim to being the best receiver of head in the western continental United States (there’s some dudes back east that are REALLY good). The laughed like I was joking! In order to prove it, I asked the brunette to pick any other guy at the party, take us back to her room, and we’ll blindfold her and let her take the Pepsi challenge.

    Now who could resist such a charming offer? She accepted, and picked a guy (who I didn’t happen to know) and we went back to her dorm room where both us guys, ahem, “got her comfortable”. We asked her how we’d know who won (I was pretty confident, holding the title and all), and all she said was, “You’ll know.” So out came the blindfold, on went the protection, and the contest was over before we knew it. Me and the other fella buttoned up and she escorted us out with a smile and shut the door behind us. Neither of us could really believe that had just happened! We shook hands (naw, we were drunk, so I’m sure it was high-fives, but I like to remember it as shaking hands; sounds much more civilized), and went our separate ways back to our rooms.

    When I got back to my room and was undressing, I found a note in my pocket that said, “You won” and had her phone number. That turned out to be a really fun relationship that lasted the rest of the school year and spawned several other stories, but it’ll take me a few beers at the ranch before “Walmart” and “Freeway BJ” come out.


    I woulda paid to see Allissa in the 91 Ford Taurus…little girl, big car, soooooo CUUUUTE!! 😀


    Hi Allissa,

    Just sent you a email. Perhaps I can add a “First Party with Alissa” to my list ;-).



    It was comical Southpaw.

    Hi TM, thank you for letting me know I will return your email today. That would be a great first!

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