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  • #9334
    The Attorney

    Aside from what’s shown on the schedule, is there a particular time of day or day of the week that maximizes maximizes the size of the lineup? I’m planning a trip out the week after Labor Day, either Thursday late night, or Friday late morning. Is one of these better?

    Also, are there other ladies available that are not on the schedule, or is the schedule fairly accurate? New ladies not yet on the site, or ladies coming in early or staying longer than what’s on the schedule?



    “This Weeks Lineup” http://www.sherisranch.com/lineup.aspx and “Scheduled Ladies” coming soon http://www.sherisranch.com/comingsoon.aspx account for all the Courtesans appearing at Sheri’s Ranch. You may perform a search for a specific Search Ladies “Date Range” http://www.sherisranch.com/search-ladies.aspx to determine which Ladies will be available during your visit. Please recheck the Search Ladies “Date Range” frequently and especially about two weeks prior to your visit because there are sometimes last minute changes. The Courtesans stay at Sheri’s Ranch 24 hours per day during their scheduled tour of duty so the lineup is the same regardless of the time of day.

    The Courtesans usually start their day at 11:00 am and frequent the bar until about 3 am the following morning. The busiest time is usually after 4:00 pm. In addition, Fridays and Saturdays are usually busier than Tuesday through Thursday.


    Without being facious what about Sundays and Mondays?


    It’s not cast in stone that Fridays and Saturdays will be busier consistently, but it’s true most of the time. Excluding holidays Mondays are not usually extremely busy either before 5:00 pm, and probably aren’t any busier than Tuesday through Thursday for the most part. Sunday can be busy depending on whether Monday is a holiday, and numerous people have weekends off so Sunday can get busy on occasion. It can’t be 100% guaranteed that any day will be busy or not.

    The Attorney

    Thanks, Firefighter. That’s exactly the response I was looking for! Sounds like there aren’t separate day and night shifts then.

    What do you recommend for newbies, bar or line-up? The bar seems dark, like it’s hard to survey all the ladies?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by The Attorney.

    It’s not extremely dark in the bar and you’ll be able to survey the Courtesans just fine. I prefer meeting Courtesans in the bar to break the ice and instill romantic chemistry; however, all of the Ladies are almost never in the bar simultaneously. There’s a slideshow of Courtesans currently appearing on monitors in the bar. If a specific Lady you wish to meet isn’t in the bar, ask the hostess if she’s available.

    You’ll be able to see all of the Ladies currently appearing at Sheri’s Ranch if you request a lineup; however, some Courtesans may be with clients in parties and of course they will not be in your lineup. It’s difficult to appraise 15 to 20 Courtesans standing in a lineup, since you see the beautiful Ladies all at one time and only hear them speak their names. If you select a Courtesan from a lineup you may ask her to sit in the bar with you for a few minutes to make a connection. Alternatively, you may ask to be taken to her room to discretely flirt, discuss party details and negotiate. If you fail to negotiate or believe the Lady isn’t right for you, ask to return to the bar and request another Lady from the hostess on duty.


    Usually we have day and night shifts (5AM to 5PM and 5PM to 5Am). But these shifts aren’t assigned till the Tuesday of that week so there’s no way to know for sure who is on which shift. Some ladies do prefer day or night and try to get that shift every time but you would have toemail the , adies individually to find out.

    As well as this, while the brothel is open 24 hours, the bar is only open 11AM till around 3AM so you’re more likely to see more ladies around while the bar is open.

    As far as bar or line up, it really depends on what you’re looking for. If you just want to have a quick look at everyone and then pick someone based on looks alone then a line-up is good. If you’d prefer to see ladies close up or want a chance to introduce yourself properly or chat and see if you click then the bar is better.


    Emma what is the ratio of ladies on the 5 am – 5 pm shift versus 5 Pm – 5 am shift?

    Amber Lynn

    @The Attorney…Emma is right in regards to bar vs. lineup…it just depends on what type of experience you have in mind! In my opinion, personality is key…and will lead you to the best overall experience! Added bonus…you will feel like a kid in a candy store surrounded by all of us fabulous gals!

    If you see someone on the website that tickles your fancy, send them an email. Our schedule although tentative are pretty accurate! Just remember, if we are not at the ranch we can not access our emails!

    Angel Parr

    Hello gentlemen,
    First off I want to say that this is wonderful question! We do work off of shifts so, technically speaking, we should always have at least 9 ladies available, however it doesn’t always work like that. We do still need sleep, so late at night the line ups size does decrease significantly. During the day time everyone is up so even if they aren’t “on shift” they will usually still come to the line up and you’ll get to see most of the house which is 12-24 ladies, as apposed to at 3:00am if only 9 girls are on shift assume 2 are in a party and at least one will sleep through the line up call so you’ll only have 6 to choose from. Around 1:00pm-1:00am our line ups tend to be quite a bit fuller, if that’s what you are interested in.

    Personally though if you are a first timer, or at all nervous, I have found that the line ups tend to be very overwhelming. I always recommend the “speed date” in the bar for our new comers. If you choose to meet the ladies in the bar then you get to speak with all of us ladies for 10mins a piece and get a chance to let us relax you, make you feel comfortable, and you can go back with the lady of your choice at any time. Let a beautiful courtesan take you on a free, no pressure, no obligations tour of the house, but a few drinks, play a game of pool, grab a bite to eat, and take your time selecting a courtesan who’s not just beautiful but has the type of personality that drives you wild, this way you can get a real brothel experience!

    As far as our schedules go, I know that there are several ladies that simply haven’t filled up their schedules for future months yet, I personally haven’t set a schedule after August yet. We are always getting new girls and it does take some time to get their profiles and calendars up. Our schedules are also very subject to change. We do our best to keep as close to our schedules as possible but we all have lives outside of the ranch, so sometimes we have to leave early, or jut can’t come in at all and sometime we choose to extend our trip and stay extra weeks while we are at the ranch. The best thing to do is search for the time that you are expecting to arrive at Sheri’s, find a few ladies that you like and email them to be sure that they will be there at the time you are thinking. Then look over all the ladies and if you see someone that you like feel free to email her too just to make sure that she isn’t going to be at Sheri’s when you are. Keep in mind just because you email a lady doesn’t mean you have to set an appointment with her, so you can still come in and do a line up or a speed date.

    I hope that my advice has been helpful, and wish you a wonderful experience at our ranch!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Angel Parr.
    The Attorney

    Thanks everyone, looking forward to my trip in September. Is there a high season/low season at Sheri’s? Just wondering whether coming in after Labor Day means fewer ladies. Is summer time the best?

    Angel Parr

    Actually its the exact opposite, we are a winter house to the fullest. In July and August the weather tends to be very hot and no one really wants to drive up here from Vegas so those months we tend to be a bit shorter staffed then usual, however that means we have from 12-18 ladies in the house, so you still have quite a bit to choose from.


    I can attest that it is very hot in July and August at the Ranch.


    There’s always a diamond in the rough so you can find a great time anytime any day…But since most of us are up late, shifts or not, any time after 2pm and before 8pm I think is a better time for maximum variety if you are choosing a line up. Most of us are ready at that time. Keeping in mind there are also girls that are ready before and after then so you can catch someone fresh in the morning or that special lady my be in need of good lovin to put them to sleep! I know I normally don’t look my best before 11 am and not very negotiable if you wake me up 🙂 if you are choosing an appointment it is always nice to emails to see what time we are up nd ready or setting a time so we can be ready is very helpful. Good luck and don’t wear white after your sexy time 🙂 #laborday

    Brittney Ryder

    I agree with Allissa. I couldn’t have said it better myself.


    Allissa why 2 – 8 pm and not later in the evening?

    Angel Parr

    Allissa was saying from 2-8 simply because that’s about the time that most of the ladies are on the floor. We are open 24/7 however we do eventually need to sleep, so the girls start leaving the bar as the night progresses and our line ups tend to be a bit shorter. In the morning it takes us a while to get up and around after exercising, tanning, checking emails, getting on the forum, eating, showering, and doing hair and make up its tends to be about 12-2 when most of the girls are ready for the day.

    With that being said we do still have ladies who are on the floor quite a bit more then that, like I personally tend to get on the floor around 11am and leave the floor around 3-4am. So there are still ladies who will be available just about at all hours but on a week where we have say 18 ladies in the house during the day time will get a lineup with 15-18 but at midnight or 7am you will only have 5-9 to choose from who will actually come out. We pull shifts (5am-5pm 5pm-5am) but during the day time even if we aren’t on shift we tend to be on the floor and late at night or early in the morning only the ladies who are on shift will show up, most of the time, and still one may be partying, one may be in the shower, and another may have just slept through the line up. So even though we always have someone to chose from you can maximize your options during the day time.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Angel Parr.

    Thnaks, Angel. I tend to arrive in the early evening, so do not see how many ladies are available in the afternoons or later at night.

    The Attorney

    Alissa and Angel,

    Thanks for all the insights and insider info! Looking forward to my trip in 3 weeks!

    Angel Parr

    Of course, I hope to see you soon!

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