There are a maximum of 24 Courtesans appearing at Sheri’s Ranch simultaneously. Sheri’s Ranch is licensed for 24 Courtesans and 24 Courtesan rooms are available for the Ladies. Management will schedule between 15 and 24 Courtesans depending on the anticipated demand for specific dates. The schedules are relatively firm two weeks in advance; however, Courtesans must occasionally alter their schedules due to previously unforeseen events.
If you have a Courtesan chosen, it’s best to “Send a message” from the link on her official page found by clicking on her thumbnail photo to verify that she’ll be there on a certain date.
Alternatively, you may send her a Twitter Direct Message if have her Twitter handle.
Twitter Ladies @SherisBrothel http://newblog.sherisranch.com/forums/topic/the-ladies-of-sherisbrothel/