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  • #18928

    From the ladies pages, we know they are in their 20’s to 30’s. What about the men visting the Ranch? I speculate that there is a peak in the twenties, leveling off until the 50’s, where there is another rise. Anyone have information to reenforce or refute this?



    That’s one thing I love about Sheri’s; I’ve seen men visiting that looked like early 20’s, all the way to men who have been retired for some time. I would guess all have different reasons.

    I don’t fall in to either of these two categories, however both of these have always made me very appreciative that Sheri’s is available. 1)- Young man who needs/wants to learn about intimacy from a beautiful, experienced woman. 2)- Man who lost a spouse/got divorced who needs to be around a beautiful woman and feel that touch again.


    J78 that is part of why I thought there were two peaks. My limited observations are that while waiting for my party to begin, sometimes other men come in, who look in their 20’s or maybe 30’s.

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