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  • #2644

    Every morning I start with yoga. I love the feeling of bending over and touching my toes. The amazing burst of energy I recieve from downward dog. And the relaxation of childs pose. I love yoga because it not only keeps me in shape, but keeps me flexible. Those of you that have partied with me know what I am talking about 🙂 Yes, my infamous legs behind the head position. For some one who is visual (like me) this position allows one to observe the most beautiful erotic view ever. I wish I had some one to help me out with my yoga before I leave Friday morning. Limber limbs are happy limbs!

    Well here is some yoga “porn” from one of my favorite websites, thechive.com:
    Sexy yoga photo gallery (11 photos)


    Maybe if I started when I was younger? right now I am too old, to fat and with back pains that limit my bending… but I do like Yogurt (LOL)


    Never give up!

    Makes me tear up every time I watch it.


    @pierced That was an amazing video to watch. Thank you for the inspiration:)

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