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  • #3552
    Charina Lee

    http://newblog.sherisranch.com/legal-prostitution/eliot-spitzer-nyc-comptroller/ Good morning everyone! Take a look at the latest blog regarding the ex-governor of NY who was caught using escort services and had to leave politics behind. Now he wants to get back into politics, but his views about legal prostitution are not helpful to the LEGAL SEX WORKER! There is a difference between what we do here at the ranch and other forms of prostitution. I am not judging anyone, but Mr. Spitzer lumps us in with ALL the activities that are considered ILLEGAL!

    But here’s where I don’t trust this man at all. Common sense tells us that Mr. Spitzer asking for “forgiveness” is about money, power and career. He WANTS back in to politics. Amazing! How much you wanna bet that if he never got caught, he’d still be doing what he was doing? What a hypocrite!!!!

    Charina Lee


    The people shouting the loudest for others to stop doing something are usually the worst offenders themselves. Fuck those people.


    At least most of you girls and guys don’t have to live here in the corrupt state of NY where this joker’s trying to make his cum, I mean come lol back! Not to mention NYC having a guy running for mayor named WEINER who was in a scandal for taking and sending pics of his Weiner!


    Charina Lee

    Pierced and SouthPaw….you are so right. I actually spent most of my years from age 16 on in NY State. Some beautiful, open scenery, some great fall weather. After that, YUK…..One of the highest taxed states in the nation and guess where it ranks in personal freedoms……..50th! YUP…..tax the hell out of everybody and also take away their freedoms….Because, after all, doesn’t government know what’s best for us? And then I moved away from that nonsense and have been happy and better off ever since.

    Charina Lee

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