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  • #19194
    Iris Sparks

    Tabletop, mobile, pc, console- so many different kinds. Are you into any of them? If so, which? What are you currently playing, do you have any favorite titles?


    it should be you first, Iris. Mobile games eat to much battery life, so i tend to avoid them. PC games I have been playing since the 1980’s.


    My husband and I played D&D for years. He plays Dresden files with friends now. Makes for so many roll play ideas. 🙂


    too long since I play board role playing games

    Iris Sparks

    I’m a console gamer. PS(2,3,4), Xbox(360,1). I tried a couple tabletop rpgs and couldn’t get into them. Currently I’m playing Bloodborne, The Witcher (2 and The Wild Hunt) which I’m taking a break from more or less because I don’t want to see the story end and the dlc for TWH will be the last of the tale from CDPR. I’m reading the books now. Favorite titles… Bioshock, Heavy Rain, TW3 (like I said, reading the books) Assassin’s Creed (though the more recent installments have been a let down) Borderlands, also a Silent Hill fan. I try to give horror titles a shot when I can. I liked Shadows of the Damned, thought it was a hoot but I can appreciate potty humor. I’ll play titles I normally wouldn’t if they’re couch co-op because I love couch co-op: Helldivers, Halo, Gears of War, Earth Defense Force. Deadly Premonition! Fallout 3! Growing up I was a Zelda fan and used to play the Devil May Cry titles. Never been into turn based RPGs or MMORPGS. I usually game in the wee hours as a type of ‘quiet time to myself’ when the day is over.


    I love me some GTA and I cant go wrong with pacman&pong. I still have an Atari:P I like to play the board game monopoly but everybody at home wont play with me cuz they think its boring:(

    Iris Sparks

    Have you tried the card game version of monopoly? A couple of the girls taught me how, quick learning curve and the game was comparatively quite speedy!


    No I haven’t. But it sounds like fun. Maybe if we are both at Sheri’s you can teach me…among other things 🙂 good chatting with you Iris take care

    Twelfth Doctor

    I enjoy VR experiences. Playing games is a great way to pass time.

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