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  • #14454

    I have written a list (more like a plan) of sexual request which I intend to show to the lady of my choice and go over with her while we are negotiating. I was talking with a friend of mine about me visiting Sheri’s (he can’t go) and I showed him my list. He said it was strange that I would give a list of sexual requests to a girl. He feels giving a sex list to a girl feels too mechanical and procedural. He said he prefer it to be spontaneous, free, and unplanned. He did say he never paid for sexual services as he is able to get a lot of action outside of it so he said he may be completely wrong.

    Well, I want to be explicit and clear with the lady with what I want to do with her and rather than reciting the details from memory, it is written so nothing will be skipped. If there is something in the list she is not able to accommodate, then we are able to cross it off the list. Also, the list is more of a plan on how I want to proceed and what she and I can expect from the party; it doesn’t have to exactly follow it and I will tell her that I am flexible at the heat of the moment. So, will she think it is strange that I would show her my written list/plan and go over it with her during negotiation? Was my friend wrong in his assumptions?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by jalrey.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by jalrey.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by jalrey.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by jalrey.

    I see nothing wrong with that. Some men have scripts they hand to a lady. You should be willing to forgo some items on your list due to party costs or the lady will not want to perform that activity. I tend ot discuss party activities and flow ahead of time so negotiations are faster, but YMMV.


    Thanks for the reply!


    Hi Jalrey,

    The written request thing is OK, but as your friend mentioned, if presented in the wrong way could come off like a list of chores.
    You might consider trying to build a little email communication (or even just a little discussion in the bar or as part of the negotiations in the room) with your intended courtesan prior to your arrival, and send the list in advance. This way you aren’t just springing a list of demands on her, and it gives her a chance to add her own input. Trust me, if you allow your lady to get involved, and incorporate her own ideas, and enjoy herself too, you will be a VERY happy guy!

    If it’s more of a fetish situation and you NEED for specific things to happen, then sate that clearly, but still approach it more like a collaboration, and less like demands (even if the request for her to do everything that you demand LOL…in that case: request first, demand during)
    good luck!


    I believe working it as a collaborate will be more satisfying.


    YB_Goode, I do not want the sex to be a chore for her. I want us to enjoy it together. E-mail seems like a non-option now, because I haven’t heard from her for a couple of days now and I am about to visit Sheri’s in a few more days. Collaboration sounds like a great idea and I intend to do so with her during negotiations. I will show her the paper and talk the list over with her.

    I do want to have some control in how the party would progress. The list would show that I’d like to do X first, then transition to Y, then end with Z. Under each X, Y, Z, I might write a couple more details on how I would like it to be done. I will then ask her if she likes the sex schedule and if she has a better idea on how to best arrange X, Y, and Z or any other input she can add. When all is well, then the party begins!

    Also if we can’t come to a deal, then it will be easier for me to take the written list to another Lady without having to worry about forgetting the details on how I want the party to progress.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by jalrey.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by jalrey.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by jalrey.
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