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  • #5635

    Ok normally I’m fun and bubbly, but I’m sorry I have to have a rant.

    I have just seen a documentary on T.V bad mouthing escorts and ladies that work in Brothels, why is it nearly all the haters are women, I mean seriously don’t those bitches know that if they weren’t so uptight in the bedroom their men wouldn’t need to go else where! They should be grateful to Brothels and escorts, those ladies are clean safe and checked every couple of weeks, and it’s just a service they provide for men that arnt being satisfied at home, so bitches don’t hate the ladies that can satisfy your men because your unable to.

    Hell you should be thanking the escorts and ladies in Brothels, if it wasnt for them your men would be out at clubs picking up girls with god knows what kind of diseases, so get of your moral high horses and leave the ladies that provide a good safe clean service alone. If you don’t like it wake up and do the job right your selves.

    Ok rant over, I just had to get that of my chest, bloody do gooders annoy the hell out of me.
    Ladies you do a great job, you rock!!!!

    Sorry for ranting 🙂

    Charina Lee

    There are always a minority of people that believe they know what’s best for the rest of society! I’ve now learned to live as if they do not exist! I’ve also learned that people that judge others and act indignant about moral issues, have very interesting PRIVATE lives that are very different from their stated lives!


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