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  • #6438

    Hi I am a 24 year old guy/still a boy. I want to loose my Virginity. I have this adrenaline rush while talking to beautiful ladies. I never had a girlfriend. I want to enjoy a complete experience with a beautiful lady.

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by Abhishek.

    if you are interested in losing your virginity at Sheri’s, then i suggest you look at the lady’s descriptions. Find the one or ones that appeal to you and email them when they are at the Ranch. Get to know them better and give them an idea of what you are or are expecting. You should also gove them an idea of your budget even though you will negotiate with them in their room.
    There is a lot of other advice on this forum.

    Charina Lee

    Hi! So many of us here enjoy those “teaching” moments where we can be the one who helps someone with their first experience. And some of us get super excited about that opportunity. I’m one of the ladies that has patience and understanding. And I DO get super excited about the chance to be someone’s first! I take it seriously because it’s a chance to always be remembered by someone for the rest of time!


    Hello there, Abhishek! I lost my virginity at the same age that you are (about six months ago). The brothel experience is much friendlier than I expected it to be and I had many fears to go with my decision in making it out there. But I can tell you that there is honestly nothing to be afraid of. There is a lot of virgin excitement at the ranch right now and you can see it in their eyes how excited they are for you to embark on the journey after being so patient! I recommend that you read the latest blog on this site entitled “Tips for Male Virgins.” Just about everything you will need to know is there for you and there are no illusions. And what Charina Lee says is true. Most likely the girl who steals it away from you will be remembered by you forever and I can testify that they will be worth it. As for the adrenaline rush, it probably won’t go away the first time. Lord knows I was extremely nervous. But you’ll become comfortable. Also, I disagree that you are still a boy. At 24 you are a man; virgin or not. Make the optimum decision you think you can for yourself and just have fun exploring this aspect of your life. Best wishes to you!


    I think it took several visits to the Ranch before that rush did not occur.


    Practice, practice, practice and you’ll be able to approach any lady you want to help you with your first time, baby


    We are here for you! Relax and take it it all in slowly. You will have an amazing time!

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