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  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by kane. This post has been viewed 2938 times
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  • #12321

    I noticed that each individual courtesan has 4 months of schedule on their page. How far can one accurately search by date beyond those 4 months?


    There are very few Courtesans that submit their schedules over 4 months in advance. A few Courtesans work fulltime at Sheri’s Ranch, so their projected schedules are usually fairly accurate. There are part time Courtesans that have other jobs, careers, and children so their schedules aren’t usually extended out as far. In addition, some Courtesans have other responsibilities and personal commitments so their schedules may change frequently. Courtesans are not unlike other people so they may have a family emergency, illness, legal matters, and other unforeseen obligations that need immediate attention. The most accurate Courtesan search by date range is less than a month, and beyond that it can’t be totally relied upon. Sheri’s Ranch makes a valiant attempt to post the Courtesan’s schedules as accurate as possible, but total perfection is really an impossibility. If you have a specific Courtesan in mind, my suggestion is to “Send a message” from her profile page to confirm she will be at Sheri’s Ranch on a certain date.


    Thanks, Firefighter.


    Hi Kane,
    You are more than welcome to search any date throughout the rest of the year on the Search ladies by date page. There are some ladies that have their schedules set for the rest of the year so you might be able to see a few of the ladies that will be here. However, there are some of us that only have a couple months in advance planned. So just keep checking as the day gets closer for a more accurate portrayal of which ladies will be here 🙂

    Amber Lynn

    @Kane if you are interested in a specific lady and/or ladies…I would suggest contacting them directly with the dates you plan on visiting and building up conversation from that point. Most of us regular gals here at the ranch know our schedules pretty far in advance, even though it’s not posted. In some cases, if you give us enough notice we can try to schedule our dates around the time you plan to visit, but keep in mind that is also dependent on the gal, and the room availability in the house!


    Thank you Violet and Amber Lynn.

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