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  • #19129

    What is the deal breaker when it comes to a mans whiskers? 1.none at all
    2. 5 o’clock shadow
    3. goatee
    4. full short, long


    As long as it works with your face and looks good I love all facial hair. The only exception is if you are going to spend time down at the y, please no five o’clock shadow!

    Iris Sparks

    None of it is a deal breaker. It depends on the mans face, as Alex pointed out. On average, I think a five o’clock shadow is sexy; you get the added definition without the upkeep of a full beard. We see a lot of the ‘bearded mountain man’ look up here in Alaska so I may be a little starry eyed for the clean shaven feel, too. I find a full beard to be very ticklish!


    You come in here for us to adore and love everything about you! Only deal breaker for me is Body Odor! CAN NOT PARTY WITH STINKY PEOPLE!!! Love me some facial hair and I like primitive behavior as well.


    Come comfortable! As long as you feel comfortable you will feel confident and have a good time, adding to our fun!


    I like bearded men, I think it’s sexy

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