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  • #12015

    I am once again planning a stop at Sheri’s ranch for some fun with the lovely ladys.
    I likely wont know my dates for sure until just before I arrive as I have several stops that I have to make. However I am looking at my time being the late part of Jan or early (before the 15th) of Feb and would like to know who plans to be available to play.


    can you look at the ladies coming soon page and get an idea?


    Thanks Flint I have done that. However I would need to review each of the ladies to find 4 or 5 that are currently scheduled to be at the ranch.
    The last time I visited I asked and found several ladies that were not Scheduled to be at the ranch but, who said they may be there when I was planning to also be there.
    It never hurts to ask?


    Mr. Paul,
    You can “Search Ladies by date range” for Courtesans that will be working during a certain period of time; however, some of the Ladies’ schedules may not be finalized until about two weeks prior. http://www.sherisranch.com/search-ladies.aspx

    Also, it’s always a good idea to check “Sheri’s Weekly Lineup” http://www.sherisranch.com/lineup.aspx
    “Scheduled Ladies coming soon” http://www.sherisranch.com/comingsoon.aspx for a thumbnail photo listing of Courtesans that are currently appearing or have been scheduled in the near future. Then click on the Courtesans’ photos who are of interest for their exact schedule of working dates.

    Big LA Dodger Fan

    I concur that checking the schedule frequently is important. Since I started planning my Feb. 22-Mar. 4 trip to Heaven things have changed the most important for me being that the lovely Char will be there when I am. MMMMMMMMM


    Yes I agree with checking the scheduals. however at this time the schedule is not complete and likely wont be until 2 weeks before a particular date.
    I simply asking if any ladies might be planning to be at the ranch that are not on the schedule already.


    Perhaps decide ahead of time whch ladies you want tp party with and coordinate your schedules?


    Hi mrpaul!
    As others have mentioned there are a couple ways you can go about determining who will be here during your visit.
    You can search the ladies by date and look at the lineup for the time you are planning on coming.
    Also, if there is a particular lady you are interested in you can email her directly and try to coordinate your schedule with hers. 🙂


    I have looked at several ladies that are shown yo be scheduled at the times I expect to be at the ranch. And I have messaged a few only to recieve nothing back yet. (I have however recieved messages back from several other houses).
    I still prefer the ladies of sheris ranch and hope some will reply back.


    I have had recent problems getting emails from some ladies at the Ranch.


    Flint wrote, “I have had recent problems getting emails from some ladies at the Ranch.”

    I believe the problems with the Sheri’s email system are that the Courtesans may only access it while physically at the ranch. The use of Courtesans’ personal email to contact clients is prohibited. Also, there are only a very few house computers that the 24 Ladies must share. In addition, when the Ladies are finally back at Sheri’s, they must respond to numerous backlogged emails in their spare time only. The Ladies must update their licensing and undergo a medical checkup as soon as they arrive in Pahrump too. Plus, it takes many hours to retrieve their belonging from storage and ready their bedrooms. If a Courtesan has several parties upon her return, she has very little time for computer work. If a client needs to contact a Courtesan immediately, I recommend twitter direct messages, since the Sheri’s PM system was abolished and the Sheri’s email system is archaic and problematic.

    Big LA Dodger Fan

    I have connected with 6 or 7 of the Courtesans I plan to have Liaisons with so far and now that some of their schedules are changing, Char for example, I plan to contact her but will give her 2-3 days to settle in. Also I was thrilled when 20 plus of the ranch’s Courtesans started following little ole’ me on Twitter making Flirting way easier. I should add all of the responses have been both professional and flirtatious. Yummy

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