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  • #20557

    Regarding lineups, if we request a lineup, do we have to choose a courtesan at that moment or -if we are still undecided- can we tell the courtesans either: (1)we will make up our minds later or (2)ask if we can speak to each of the courtesans individually at the bar?

    That is, just because we request a lineup does not mean we have to choose a lady right then and there, right?



    Implicitly if you are requesting a lineup, you would be expect to choose from those ladies. if you know which ladies are at the Ranch at the time your are there, that you like. Why not ask the hostess to have them talk to you in the bar(if there are available)??


    If your not sure, just go directly to the bar. The ladies there will come up and introduce themselves & briefly chat with you, one at a time. You can always request a formal lineup later on.

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