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  • #499

    Anyone at Sheri’s enjoy reading science fiction? Yeah, yeah I know. That pretty much identifies me as a geek. Any others willing to cop to it?


    I have not thought ot ask the ladies but would be interested in their responses.

    Charina Lee

    Hi! I like science fiction, but I have to admit, I haven’t had much time for reading lately. But I do like science fiction movies and adventures. Have you ever seen the valley of fire here in Nevada? I’ve done some photo shoots out there….I’ve been told two Star Trek episodes were filmed there because of the rock formations and colors. It feels like another planet when you’re out there….And as far as Geeks…I have a saying…..NEVER poke fun at a Geek…The Geek you are poking fun at today will most likely be the one interviewing you for the job you want and need some day! The “Geeks” of the world are the ones that will be solving so many of our challenges facing our world….And some of those answers to those challenges will be from science and space….then science fiction won’t be fiction!!!! Hugs, Charina Lee!


    I’m more into Star Wars than Star Trek but both will have me riveted to my seat with popcorn and lots of butter… I wonder about the ladies too. I do believe I’m on a new mission. If they don’t post their answer I will for you Flint.


    @jazzmarkoo7 I like to read the clone wars and the most recent I’ve read is the Hunger Games…


    I read star trek and a few other SF authors


    I personally am a huge H.G. Wells fan. When I get a few moments to myself after a long day in class I love to draw a nice hot bath and read a good book. I am currently rereading The War of the Worlds and greatly enjoying myself. I am proud of my inner geek and love to let others know it! 🙂


    Gasp! Tiffany, I’m going to have to go to your room and borrow some books!


    There should be two new books in the common library


    The Big Bang Theory is great.. So many people I know love it!


    I enjoy reading science fiction sometimes. I’ve been really busy lately though so I haven’t had a lot of time to read. I’ve got a long plane trip coming up in November though (I’ll be going to Australia to visit family), so I will be able to catch up a bit.

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