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  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year, 8 months ago by Anonymous. This post has been viewed 1452 times
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  • #26115

    LPIN Awards committee members contribute, but LPIN Awards expenses have increased dramatically. It costs between $1800 and $2000 to fund the awards presentations including six Crystal Art Awards, nineteen framed certificates and operation expenses. The LPIN Awards treasury balance is over $1000 in the red, since there haven’t been sufficient contributions. It will be necessary to eliminate Crystal Awards and present framed certificates only to LPIN 2023 Awards contest finalists and winners providing necessary funds are not available. The awards committee requests donations for continued operation, and there will be a donation bucket at the Elko Awards Banquet. Thank you in advance for your anticipated generosity to enable LPIN Awards to continue the contests.


    The LPIN awards committee would like to thank those people who donated to LPIN Awards at the awards banquet. Those contributions reduced the deficit by fifty percent. However, the LPIN Awards treasury balance is still $600 in the red after awards banquet donations. LPIN Awards committee members contribute, but LPIN Awards expenses have increased dramatically. It costs between $1800 and $2000 to fund the awards presentations including six Crystal Art Awards, nineteen framed certificates and operation expenses. It will be necessary to eliminate Crystal Awards and present framed certificates only to LPIN 2023 Awards contest finalists and winners providing necessary funds are not available. Therefore, the awards committee requests donations for continued coordination of the awards contests and presentation of Courtesan of the Year, Brothel of the Year, Rural Brothel of the Year, and Hall of Fame awards. Please email vote@lpinawards.com for donation instructions. Thank you in advance for your anticipated generosity to enable LPIN Awards to continue the contests.

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