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  • This topic has 12 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Flint. This post has been viewed 3623 times
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  • #17036

    What’s the maximum number of ladies that are at the ranch at one time? What happens on Monday/Tuesday when the weeks change? Do the ladies show up on Monday but can’t party until Tudesday?


    The maximum number of ladies on the floor (available) is 25 by the license Sheri’s Ranch holds. More the 25 and the license fee goes sky high. There can be more on premise but not working. The ladies start departing and arriving Sunday evening normally. Every once in a while someone will arrive midweek. As rooms become avaliable by those leaving those arriving take them. It’s a first come first serve basis. They can’t reserve certain room prior to arrival under normal circumstances. I think every once in a while reserving a certain room is offered as a prize. They also have a room or two that have multiple beds for when ladies are waiting for rooms to become available, but those are only for when waiting for a regular room. They aren’t used to party in. I also believe ladies staying multiple weeks can move rooms, but it’s very rare that they do. They normally have a lot of stuff to make their room their’s and the time to take it down and put it back up make it not worth it unless they are stuck in a bad room. Those rooms are the ones with a shared bathroom especially when you are first walking down the hallway. You can’t even open the door fully in them. The ladies are allowed to store something at the ranch between trips for free but above a limit there is a fee. Ladies can’t start partying until medical clearance is recieved. That is a legal requirement not a ranch policy. The doctor comes on site Monday and Thursday mornings to do testing. Once the results are sent to management then the ladies can start. Between testing and results the ladies normally just hang out, but they can’t be in “public” areas. This is part of the reason why to be allowed in the courtyard you have to be a hotel guest or escorted by a lady. You will sometimes see them stick there heads in the door on the side of the bar to order something but they don’t sit down. They will also answer emails or do stuff on the forums.

    The ladies can add more details or correct anything I got wrong.

    And yes, I have spent way too much time at the ranch but I don’t care. The ladies are wonderful and the staff is too. 🙂


    All interesting details, thanks.


    There was another post that mentioned that there’s a 10 minute rule for talking to each lady. If I’m at the bar and talk to a number of ladies to see which one I have the best connection with, what’s the protocol to ask a previous lady to go to her room for negotiations? For example, if I talk to 5 ladies and had the best rapport with the first lady, what’s the correct procedure to talk to her again?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by fyr.

    Sheri’s Ranch can’t accommodate more than 24 Ladies simultaneously anyway, since they only have 24 Courtesan bedrooms. Therefore, there’s no reason to be licensed for more than 24 Courtesans.

    The 10 minute rule primarily comes into play when Sheri’s is busy, so other potential clients have a chance to make a connection with a Courtesan. It may be enacted to rescue a Courtesan from someone monopolizing a Lady’s time too, especially if that person is under the influence or doesn’t appear to be interested in partying. If a client desires to chat with a Lady again for a final decision, I’m sure the Hostess would approve. Alternatively, a client can simply ask a Courtesan to take them to her room for negotiations which doesn’t bind a client to party if a mutual agreement isn’t reached.


    firefighter, that doesn’t quite answer my question. If I talk to 5 ladies and feel most comfortable with one of the first one, what’s the correct way to let the first one know I would like to either talk more or go to her room for negotiations? It would seem rude to end the conversation with the last lady and tell her to inform one of the earlier ladies I’m interested in partying with them. Pointing at someone and shouting “YOU. HERE. NOW.” also seems to be lacking in common courtesy, and staring at her intensely for minutes at a time doesn’t seem like the best approach. If I had talked to a lady but didn’t immediately ask to go to her room for negotiations, is it ok to approach her if she’s not talking to another potential customer? Is it ok to approach her if she’s talking with the other ladies but not a potential customer? If she leaves the bar area before I finish talking to some of the other ladies, is it rude to ask the hostess if she can come back out?

    And if ladies are tested on Monday and Thursday morning and can’t work until they get the results, does that mean there’s a window on Mondays and Thursday where none of the ladies are working?


    Sheri’s Courtesans don’t take it personal if a client prefers another Lady, since it’s just business. If you’re talking with a Lady and decide that she’s not for you, simply thank her for her time informing her that you wish to talk to other Ladies. Then walk away unless you wish to continue to occupy a table or barstool. I wouldn’t ask the Lady that you just rejected to inform the first Lady you want to talk to her again though, but it’s not uncommon for clients to use that approach. When you first arrive, you may ask the Hostess to send over all the Courtesans in the bar to your table at five minute intervals.

    If you decide after talking to five Ladies that you prefer the first one, either approach her directly or ask the hostess if you may see a particular Lady again. You may ask the first Lady to converse a few more minutes or request to be taken to her room for negotiations. I usually approach a Courtesan directly rather than have a Hostess intervene. The 10 minute rule is not normally enacted unless there are clients waiting to talk to certain Ladies.

    I treat the Ladies with respect as I would a girlfriend. I’m polite, respectfully flirtatious, and never display any displeasure or annoyance with a Lady.

    If the Courtesan you prefer is not currently in the bar, you may ask the Hostess to summon her; however, I would only ask her to return if I were really seriously considering her. The Ladies are in the bar to attract clients, so they don’t mind being interrupted if they’re talking to other Courtesans.

    If the Courtesan you prefer is talking to another client, you’ll have to ask the Hostess to send her over to your table when she’s free since it’s taboo to interrupt a Courtesan in the company of another client.

    There are always Courtesans available to party even on the days that they’re being tested. They don’t completely shutdown the brothel for STD testing. I wore my surgical scrubs to Sheri’s Ranch one day and told the Ladies that I was the new doctor sent over to perform vaginal examinations, but unfortunately they knew I was lying.

    There are a couple of threads that you may want to view if you’re a newbie.
    What Every LPIN (Legal Prostitution in Nevada) Newbie Client Should Know http://newblog.sherisranch.com/forums/topic/what-every-lpin-legal-prostitution-in-nevada-newbie-should-know/
    Dex’s Newbies Guide http://newblog.sherisranch.com/forums/topic/dexs-newbies-guide/


    The ladies only have to wait for results between the first test and results. If they are there for longer then a week I believe they are required to have have some of the tests rerun but while those tests results are pending they are allowed to continue seeing people. Since some ladies are always coming and going someone is almost always available however Monday’s can be a little light some weeks.

    Angel Parr

    The best thing to do if you want to talk with another lady is to wait until the lady you are talking with walks away and then ask the hostess for the lady that you want. If you ask the girl talking with you for another lady she wont take any offense, but it is a bit more polite to wait for her 10 minutes to be up.


    If I do make an appointment does that mean the lady will not be in the bar area or respond to lineup for a certain time frame before to ensure she makes the appointment?


    fyr, when I have made an appointment, which is most times, the lady usually greets me in the lobby, presumably coming from her room. Maybe once she came from the bar, but i have not kept track.

    Angel Parr

    Yes, if a lady knows she has an appointment coming then she will usually wait in the bar for you. How long the lady waits is up to her, but its usually planned out so that 15 minutes prior to your appointment she is unavailable as well as 15 minutes after to give you some stuck in traffic time.


    That was ueful, Angel, thanks. i try to not be late, but the traffic does not always cooperate.

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