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  • This topic has 6 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Angel Parr. This post has been viewed 3299 times
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  • #17315

    If I understand correctly, Monday is the day the ladies have their weekly medical tests done. Monday is also the only day I will be able to visit on my trip. My tentative plan was to arrive in the early-ish afternoon as I’ll need to get back to Vegas in the evening for a convention event. If I arrive at say, 1:00, would most of the ladies be done with their doctor visits by then or do they pretty much go on all day?


    this detail is for madame Dena or firefighter. I suspect you would have no problem if you made an appointment.


    The only issue really with Monday’s are some ladies leave early in the morning (1am or 2am) and those who are arriving for the week need to wait for test results so they aren’t available until Tuesday. Your best bet is to check the schedules and see who is available Sunday thru Tuesday to get an idea of who is actually going to be available Monday or just call and ask. The doctor normally comes in in the morning so you shouldn’t have to worry about them being busy with the doctor if you are arriving after noon.


    Hi SpankyJ,
    Monday’s tend to be a turn around day for ladies leaving the ranch and those coming to see the doctor. Not everyone leaves on Monday which means not everyone sees the doctor on Monday, only the ladies that are barely coming in for the week see the doctor on Monday. When we do see the doctor and get our exams done, we have to wait 24 hours to clear and be able to work. So if you want to come in on a Monday, my suggestion would be to look on the website like a week before, so you can see who will be here and available when you do arrive. Or you can always email whoever you are interested in seeing to make sure she will be available that Monday you plan on being here. Hope this helps.


    Thanks all, this is very helpful.


    Are there fewer parties occuring on Monday, than any other day of the week?

    Angel Parr

    Not necessarily true flint, Monday is just a turn over day as the ladies explained, we will always have multiple ladies to choose from 24\7 with out exception. The brothel is always running and you never know what day or time is going to be the busiest. Sometimes Monday is the busiest day sometimes its Friday or Tuesday, only god knows what the day is going to bring here lo!

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