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  • #19104

    ignoring the cost for right now, for a guyt, does it make sense to have an even number of ladies or odd number?


    I’d say it would legitimately depend on how much stamina you have.


    That is partially true, but some of the ladies can be seeing to their needs at times. anyone else?


    Well Flint, if money is no object, I’d say 3. I have this fantasy that if I win the lottery I will without a doubt try to live out. I would go to the ranch, rent a bungalow for 5 days. I will pick a blonde, a brunette and a redhead, have a party with each one over the first 3 days, then a party with all of them on day 4. Day five would be for recovery. 🙂

    WEll, that’s the fantasy, anyway.

    Iris Sparks

    An even number of ladies. Typically in a group of people, an odd number results in someone feeling ‘left out’- but with an even number of ladies, the one who is ‘left out’ is you! Provided the two girls are ones who click, in this special circumstance, being the ‘odd one out’ is a good thing!


    Iris, you are assuming that N-2 ladies are having a good time with themselves and two ladies are spending time with the man?


    Kane you may be onto something. Three ladies seems like a good number, although I might not live to day 5 with your schedule. A more limited budget and stamina would go for the Day 4 party. Now for location, Bungalow or Playland?

    Iris Sparks

    Could you detail what ‘N-2 ladies’ means? I’m afraid I’m not familiar with the slang. Yes, I was assuming you meant ‘how many ladies in the same party working together’ versus ‘how many in a row’. With an even number of ladies, they could tag team you in groups of two. 😀 I think this would give ladies more room to coordinate logistics naturally with lowered potential for ‘crowding’. Then again, maybe crowding’s your dig! If you did mean ‘how many in a row’, I’d have to second ‘however many your stamina can handle!’ Just my two cents.


    Iris, N-2 meant the total number of ladies at the party minus two. Your idea is one I did not consider although For an odd number, you can have one lady with you and the other two reating or with each other. i suppose it depends if the party is just an orgy or have a role playing theme?
    This is for RanchMama, but what is the largest number of ladies in a single party.


    AssumING a party with two to three ladies and me. What is a good time of day for this, and Bungalow or Playland?

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