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    People seem to get all twisted up in the negotiation thing. I always go to the ladies room with an exact amount of money I want to spend and the type of party I would like to have. The lady will do everything in her power to give you a party that will suit your budget. I’ve never had one seconds difficulty. Please bear in mind that you are not purchasing a head of lettuce from your local grocer. These ladies provide safe, top-of-the-line service and it isn’t, nor should it be, inexpensive. Don’t be a low-baller.


    I try to lay out my party “requirements” ahead of time and by budget so negotiations are fairly quick and painless.


    Hi everyone, I’ve never done this before and to be honest the idea of negotiating for sex is a bit scary. Would you have any tips?


    Teets, I think aside from actually walking in the room with you, Jazzy pretty much covered it.

    MOST IMPORTANT!!! Be respectful, polite and clean…that will get you far. After that:

    -Decide what you can spend and be prepared to spend it ALL.
    -Know what sort of things you want to do…but also know what things you will compromise on to fit your budget.
    -Rates, attraction, attitude, all vary for each woman. So, I suggest emailing ahead of time, or spend a few minutes at the bar talking first, to build a rapport.

    You might imagine that all sorts of things can factor into negotiations, for example:
    If you’re a slob who shows up at 5am drunk and un-showered after a 3-day bender, wake everyone up for a lineup, then offer the goddess with supermodel looks that you chose $50 for an overnight GFE party after suggesting that “Hey, you really should be paying ME!”….well that’s just not going to go well is it?

    Mostly, just DON’T BE A DICK, and you’ll be fine!

    Eva M

    Jazzmark007 Thanks for posting this thread. People often email me with these questions and it’s so nice to hear your advice given your experience at Sheri’s. I’ll be using this as a reference next time someone asks me about prices in an email 😉


    Thank you @JazzMark007 for posting this!! And to everyone else that has responded with realistic expectations and answers..

    yes, “DONT BE A DICK.” Love that!! Being polite and respectful gets you a lot further with us ladies than you can ever imagine.. We are all very willing to work with different price ranges and budgets but if you’re rude about it, you’re shooting yourself in the foot..
    The responses before mine have definitely covered anything else I would have wanted to add, so thank you!! Xoxo


    Yes, the price you pay is expensive. The House takes half of the courtesans earnings and the Nevada Brothels have a monopoly on clean, safe, legal sex in the USA. The ladies are trying to make a living, the need to charge a high price is understandable. Each lady is a sole source provider. They are all different individuals and have different prices for their service. Buying or selling intimacy is not easy to do. The emotional toll on both the buyer and seller is very high. It is no wonder many of the ladies have short careers as sex workers.

    I would say a successful negotiation is when you feel you did not pay more than you could afford to pay and you do not feel you insulted or took advantage of the lady with your offer. Do not haggle. If you can not reach a price agreement by exchanging two offers, then express your regret and leave. The lady may be using the negotiation as a way of saying she does not want to party with you. Isn’t it kinder to let the gentleman believe he can’t afford the price, rather than telling him he is too undesirable.

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