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  • #1370

    for some time now I have been trying to talk to some of the beautiful ladies that work at Sheri’s. I have spoken with several customers and have received some good input on conduct. I have spoken with a few ladies and one has really struck my fancy.
    I have a few questions more. when the ladies leave the house how do they stay in contact with customers they like (do ladies have access to this forum?) and how often do ladies update their pictures?
    Many of you are beautiful, but I would like to see a bit more. Okay so now I sound like a pervert, but I am after all shopping around..

    Cant wait to see more of the lady I am speaking with…. XOXOXO


    If they are not at the Ranch you cannot receive emails from them. They do have access to the forum if they register.

    Carol Morgan

    My Boyfriend and I are thinking about a visit to your Ranch….. I have never been to a Brothel and don’t know what to do or expect… Can we just show up or do have to have an appointment? Can we just visit just to check it out…. and to see if I would be comfortable….Please let me know some of the common etiquette….. Thank You


    welcome Carol. no you do not need an appointment. You could ask for a tour, sit in the bar and talk to the ladies and see if there is any chemistry between the three of you. another option is to ask for a lineup and select a lady. I would suggest you look at the lady’s pages. Email or tweet to get to know each other and see where it goes.


    Nice advice Flint…

    And I hope Carol that maybe you have already made your way in and successfully negotiated the process.

    However, if you haven’t, please just know that Sheri’s is a very relaxed environment. We do not force anything upon our guests that they are not ready to experience; so coming in to take in the environment and visit with the ladies to see what may happen is a great way to begin if you are nervous.

    If you peruse the website and find that there are a few girls you would like to visit with, make sure to let the hostess know so that those you are interested in know this fact and can make your acquaintance. In this way, no appointments are required and no commitments are expected.

    Hope this helps in some small way…

    If you, or anyone reading this thread has any more private questions they would like answered, please feel free to email me and I will answer to the best of my ability.


    Montana, Sheri’s may not be stressful a place, but while there internal stresses occur.

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