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  • #10914

    Ok, maybe I am overthinking this – LOL – but I have a few questions:

    1) If the ladies can’t/don’t kiss, how do most people “warm up” before the main act?
    2) Do the ladies use personal lubricant?
    3) In a couples party, can a courtesan and the wife/girlfriend perform joint oral on the man (using condom) or would that not be allowed due to potential saliva transfer?


    It’s a good idea to ask any and all questions no matter how trivial you think it may be because it may bring other considerations to light, and probably some other member is interested too.

    1. Sheri’s Ranch does not approve of specifically DFK (deep French kissing), but other LK (light kissing) is not taboo and at the option of each Courtesan. Many of the Courtesans don’t light kiss either because of the possibility of contracting herpes, hepatitis and tuberculosis; however, there are a few Courtesans that will engage in light kissing. Kissing is not listed on the search for what Courtesans cater to because it’s extremely personal and the Ladies usually want to meet the client first before they make a commitment. http://www.sherisranch.com/search-ladies.aspx

    2. Most Courtesans use lubricants and they usually have their own favorite brands and types such as Sex Sweet water based lubricant etcetera. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=water+based+raspberry+flavor+sex+lubricants+for+women&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Awater+based+raspberry+flavor+sex+lubricants+for+women

    3. Courtesans who don’t kiss would probably insist on changing the condom after a wife/girlfriend had her mouth on it. Although, there may be a few Courtesans who light kiss that wouldn’t be bothered by the minute traces of saliva left by another uninfected woman. In addition, some of the Courtesans are bisexual and may light kiss female clients too.

    Adult Sex Industry Abbreviations and Acronyms http://sex-in-nevada.net/smforum/index.php/topic,3250.0.html


    I appreciate the response. Having trouble imagining what can/can’t be requested in a couples party based on the safety regs. I/we don’t want anything “unusual” but there is a lot of potential “fluid” transfer in normal options so I want to have my expectations set.


    No matter how unusual a request you think that you have, you can always ask. The worst that happens is that the answer is “no”.


    It’s another preference that really differs between each lady’s comfort zone and something you would want to discuss with the lady personally. Each lady has her own special way of getting the “flow” started depending on your party negotiations. You will both discuss what your comfortable in the scenarios you are asking. Another fun idea I suggest is you starting the oral fun and the lady going second… There’s lot of exciting ways to get comfortable so it is a good question to ask your lady when you meet but I wouldn’t stress too much so you can let her take lead and enjoy the ride!


    Is it possible to stay at the hotel for a couple days and be tested there so that more activities could be possible?


    No sorry Carolyn that would not be an option. The testing is only done for the ladies and there are still strict laws that have to be followed. Ladies restrict some activities due to health precautions, laws, and also their personal comfort. It’s best to stay safe and in boundaries of what your lady is comfortable with and have fun!

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