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  • #10735

    I Read here in many threads that discussing prices for the party is not allowed here. So when one go to Ranch for first time so how much cash I should take?

    Will it be better if I carry my credit cards and debit cards with me? I know there is ATM in premises.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by saurabhindian.

    The ATM is expensive to use so I suggest using credit cards, that’s what I personally do. Debit cards normally have a daily limit so you would want to talk to your bank first to see what the limit for withdrawals and charges are. If you want to bring cash I would suggest you look at the sex vacation packages at http://www.sherisranch.com/adult-sex-vacation/ As always the cost is discussed during negotiations but the packages should give you an idea of the what neighborhood you should be in for a very enjoyable time. The more you bring the longer your party with one or more can be or the more parties you can have. The sky is the limit. The biggest piece of advise I can give you is know what you can spend, and don’t go over it.

    Angel Parr

    Helexan gave a perfect answer! Our sex vacation packages can give you an idea of around how much you should expect to spend to have a great experience here. Our ATM charges 10 for every 100 and it only dispenses 100’s so its probably best to use your card in the office.

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