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  • #26049
    the 3rd degree


    When I was hastily making plans to head back to Nevada, I knew two things to be certain:

    1. Camille will be there, but at the end of her tour.
    2. CiCi will start her first tour of ’23 when I was there.

    For those who know & have seen my entries since returning to the game, you know of my experiences with CiCi & how quickly it became much more than just the base level of client/provider. For this trip, I told her I was coming, through her social media. Unfortunately, she doesn’t respond often nor quickly, in fact, it was after I touched down that I did get her excited response. It would be a couple more days before she got the OK from the sheriff and on Day 3 of my ranch stay, I went to the bar to wait. Sipping on Diet Coke, I felt something soft & squishy pressed behind my back.

    “Hi CiCi?”

    A moment later, the smile, the sparkling eyes & the infectious personality that was CiCi was in full view. We hugged each other long & tight before she sat down next to me. She did confirm that it was her ample bosom that she pressed against my back, just to change things up. That’s about the only thing that was different in what was an exciting final two days of my current trip. CiCi & I grew even closer, to the point from where we can tell each other anything, even the personal stuff & not feel awkward or judged. Our bar talks, our bedroom talks & our party talks, it’s a connection reinforced tighter each time I visit.

    So what happened in my final days at the ranch? Pretty much what you expected, although CiCi told me that she told management she was NOT seeing anybody else while I was on property. I had to admit, I was flattered at the moment. Otherwise, we both went back to her small room, discussed & negotiated a ’60’s bungalow party, shook, paid & off we went for a long, fabulous time of dancing, eating, talking & well…that too. Same as on my final day as we both pressed the repeat button. The only thing that really went wrong in both our parties was that CiCi wanted to do a bubble bath; the first time, we enjoyed each other’s company so much, we forgot about the bath & it got cold & lacked bubbles, the second time, the water never warmed up. Oh well.

    One final touch to put the cap on this trip. Both CiCi & Jacqueline want me to get them up to say goodbye before I checked out. I waited in the bar area, lost in the memories of the last 4 days when I felt those familiar back scratches. I turned around to meet a tired, groggy CiCi, who had a rough morning, but was lucid enough to give a proper hug goodbye. Hard as it was to not keep talking to her, I quickly thank her for another fantastic opportunity to be with her & encouraged her to get a little more rest before starting the day. As CiCi walked away, I spotted Jacqueline at the entrance from the parlor. I walked into her embrace as she thanked me for the reconnection & the new memories we added together. It was such a boost to see her after all this time. As Jacqueline walked away, I noticed the guard at the parlor door. So like times before, I got my bags, she unlocked the door & I was on my way, concluding another run in “The Lion’s Den”.

    This took a long time to process & write what I experienced there. I knew what to expect when I saw Camille & CiCi, but Jacqueline…that I didn’t see coming. But in all, this rushed journey to escape all that bothered me at home, turned into the trip I needed. To those who I reconnected this time, (Camille Davis, Jacqueline & of course, CiCi) it was my honor to be with you again & hopefully with more to come. A special shoutout to Michelle Lai, although we didn’t get the chance to reconnect, it was great seeing you again, & I’ll try to make it up to you…somehow. & to the others I’ve met, (Eva Lockett, Natasha, Luna Robbie, Cameron Sloan & Genevieve) thank you again for chatting with the unassuming guy with the funny shirts. I see you & maybe somewhere down the line…anything is possible. And one more to the staff, hostesses, bartenders & others who make Sheri’s a place I can enjoy. Thank you for making my stays into incredible memories.

    I don’t know if this helps in your decision to head to Sheri’s & partake in this curious hobby, but if you head there just to have fun, all the better. For me…THE APPROACH STILL WORKS!


    Wish I had the means and stamina to have parties over multiple days. Been a long time since I had a rapport with any lady.
    With only a couple of parties left, cannot get to party with many ladies.

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