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  • #19188

    I posted review about my last trip to the ranch about a month ago. Unfortunately I had to cut that trip short so I took the opportunity to return and pick up where I left off.

    Had an unbelievable time with Montana in the Safari bungalow. She is just incredible. We played all night, took a dip in the pool and watched the sun come up in the morning. This was an unbelievable make up trip.

    When I wasn’t spending time with Montana I wws in the bar visiting with some of the beautiful ladies and staff. I always am treated like a longtime friend when I am there. Wanted to give a special thank to AJ, Michelle, Izzy, Kitty and Destini. Incredible ladies that me make me feel so welcome. I really need to let the staff know how much they mean to me. Carol, Amber, Laura, Kristy, Schandra and Dena thank you for taking such good care of me. Love you all.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Northwoods.

    Good to here about this trip, Northwoods. Did not think i could last all night with Montana.


    You know Flint there is something about the ranch that makes me forget my age and brings me to life. Oh yeah, a big part of that is Montana, but I have so much fun. I do pay for it when I get back home and sleep for a couple of days.


    I unsderstand, but i wish it would work better for me, while I am there.

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