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  • #2156

    I’m like reading erotic taboo stories on line and would love to roleplay something like that. bother.sister mom/son aunt/nephew etc would there be any girls at the ranch into doing that sort of thing?

    Amber Lynn

    Anything is possible at Sheris! However, some ladies are a bit more open minded then other…check ladies profiles to see if they I are open to your fantasy abd email them directly! You will have an amazing experience! When are you I visiting the ranch?


    I’m coming to Vegas the middle of next month for about 6 weeks. It will be sometime then.


    Does someone have an idea of how many nladies are ameniable to that type of role playing?

    Kimmy D

    A lot of us ladies love to role play, so if you are interested in a particular scenario you should contact a lady privately to see if she would be willing to explore that fantasy with you. You can email ladies directly though their profile page from the weekly lineup here…. http://www.sherisranch.com/lineup.aspx

    Charina Lee

    I love Role Play! I love being “The Teacher”, “The Nurse”, The innocent schoolgirl, The Doctor, The therapist, the female car mechanic, and especially, the Asian Sensation!!!!! LOL. And oh yes, I almost forgot…The maid!


    Interesting varieties of roles that you like, Charina.


    Role playing is always fun! I love to try new scenarios!

    Charina Lee

    Well thank you Flint…..I was in a main stream movie that one a lot of awards a few years back at a Hollywood film festival called little Bruno. They asked me to play the role of a stripper! I was like, “that’s just plain and simple way toooooo easy!
    LOL….I have more ideas…..i’d also like to play the “head” detective!!!!!

    Hugs, Charina Lee


    Role playing is one of my favorite things to do. I actually roleplay in my own personal sex life. I love to be a personal assitant, a princess, a cowgirl, nurse, school girl, the maid who speaks no english. I especially love to play any part that involves pigtails or spankings.

    Kimmy D

    I find that role play is extremely gratifying and liberating as well, because it allows us to venture into other realms that may be out of our reach in our own. What is considered taboo or perverse in the “ordinary” is completely accepted and explored in the Role Playing world! Venture into your darkest fantasy, or into someone else’s and see where it met lead you. Personally I have found it to be empowering and incredibly fun! If you find yourself wondering, shoot me an email and lets see what scenarios we can come up with to indulge into this fantastic, creative and sexual outlet!

    Charina Lee

    As far as Role Play is concerned…..sometimes I like to keep it simple and just ROLL and PLAY!

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