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  • #10969

    Here is a short list of advice from my point of view for anyone visiting Sheri’s Ranch. I hope it helps! No short jokes please πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    DO Come in as confident and comfortable as possible. Be yourself or your alter ultra-confident ego, we accept all!
    DO NOT Worry about your self image or if you think you’re hot or not, we don’t discriminate.

    DO Be open-minded to new experiences. What better place to step outside of the box.
    DO NOT Be mean or negative, good vibes are best vibes.

    DO Explain all your wants and desires during negotiations. It’s best not to have surprise requests or disappointments in the middle of a party.
    DO NOT compare ladies prices to each other or expect same offers, we are independent contractors πŸ™‚

    DO Relax and enjoy what amenities Sheri’s has to offer. Besides the eye candy you can enjoy drinks, good food, a hotel and pool! Your Lady may join you for drinks in the bar as well.
    DO NOT Drink too much, whiskey dick is no fun for either of us and I’m pretty sure you want to remember a hot naked chick wanting to give you a new sexual experience.

    DO Email your Lady before hand to create chemistry and discuss party details especially if you would like something specific.
    DO NOT Be disappointed if we do not respond right away we do not have access to emails outside of the ranch and other factors can delay response, patience is key.

    DO Get a line up for random sexy fun.
    DO NOT Get a line up and not pick anyone or expecting to see someone specific. She may not be on shift or available.

    DO Have the best experience possible, enjoy orgasms, and have fun!
    DO NOT worry about impressing us, we are here for you.


    Dear Allissa,
    Of course I would never be rude and relate a short joke, because I prefer gorgeous petite Ladies like you! XO FF

    Those are excellent recommendations. It’s especially advisable to avoid consuming alcohol excessively prior to a party. Alcohol is sometimes referred to as liquid courage, but it can ruin a client’s party. Too much alcohol may promote erectile dysfunction, and men are not good lovers while under the influence. A man’s body will be more sensitive to sexual stimulation if sober and he’s more liable to climax. If a man is prone to premature ejaculation, there are medications available such as Detain X which is preferred over alcohol.

    Sheri’s Ranch Courtesans are independent contractors and it’s very difficult to compare prices. One Lady may include a fantastic party with additional amenities and perks in her price, but a client may receive less than expected from another Lady’s cheaper party. It’s an old adage but true that you get what you pay for.

    During negotiations it’s advisable to be forthright concerning your expectations, so don’t be embarrassed to tell your Courtesan your most intimate desires. In addition, it’s better to be totally honest during negotiations and not play the negotiation game because that will usually turn off most Courtesans. I don’t like to dicker back and forth during negotiations. After telling my Courtesan what type of party I desire, she’ll quote a price, and if I think it’s reasonable I’ll accept immediately; however, if I think the price is too high, I’ll counter one time only and that will usually be sufficient. I may go along with her original quote after she retorts and explains completely what her party will entail.

    Clients that arrive nicely dressed with good hygiene characteristics and are respectful to the Courtesans will fair very well.


    Allissa you know what i think about short ladies.


    On your last suggestion to do, did you mean to enjoy organisms or did you mean orgasms. Both work in context – I could enjoy another human organism. Perhaps you would endorse the enjoyment of the two? Haha πŸ™‚


    I am certain she meant orgasms.


    DO Explain all your wants and desires during negotiations. It’s best not to have surprise requests or disappointments in the middle of a party.

    I sure hope my shyness doesn’t prevent me from explaining because knowing my desires and actually knowing someone is waiting and wanting to hear them is still fairly new to me.


    If you do not ask and explain what you want, you may be disappointed at the party.


    @ShyGuy007 Share! We all have different things that turn us on and there is no shame even in some of the peculiar ones. You never know, the person you are sharing with just may have similar desires! This is also the place to share because you can be let down easy if it’s something the lady is not comfortable with.


    Great advice Allissa.


    Even if it is not on the bucket list, you could always ask, and maybe be surprised.


    Thank you firefighter…Oops Andy πŸ™‚ Caught me on a typo… You know what I meant πŸ™‚ don’t be scared shyguy, this is your chance to live your fantasy and we won’t know what that is unless you tell us. Trust me we have heard it all. It’s like we are your oofsa and let it out. (That was corny but kinda works with what I was saying..) all we can do is say no.

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