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    10 Small Penis Sex Positions

    The right combination of foreplay and stimulation can make a woman worship a small penis just as readily as a large one.

    The average erect penis is estimated to be somewhere around six inches in length. If you’re one of the millions who fall a bit short of this statistic, you may have concerns about size in relation to your sexual performance. Fret not: While it’s true that size can have its advantages, it’s not really the length that matters — it’s the width. Additionally, women don’t particularly enjoy having their cervices rammed into, which often happens when a man is overly endowed. There is nothing sexy about painful intercourse, and that’s precisely what many women complain of when a man’s penis is too large. If you follow some of our tips for having mind-blowing foreplay and combine them with the right kind of penetration, a small penis can give a woman even more pleasure than a guy who is well-endowed. Read on as we discuss the best small penis sex positions and how to make the most of them.

    Before you make your entrance
    Obviously, there’s a great deal more to sex than just penetration, and most men fully recognize the benefits of foreplay. The man with a smaller-sized penis should take even greater advantage of this, prolonging foreplay until his partner is fully and completely aroused; the closer she is to orgasm at the start of actual penetration, the easier it will be for her to climax via one of our small penis sex positions.

    Focus on foreplay
    Foreplay should include anything and everything your woman enjoys. Kissing and caressing are always appreciated, but don’t limit yourself to the old standbys. Not if you want to really rock her world. Toss in some sexy pillow talk to start, and be sure to have her favorite sex toys on hand. If she’s a bit kinky, you may want to try some sensual biting or even a bit of a spanking. The key here is to lavish her with the kind of attention you know she responds well to; you want to get her so hot that she can’t help begging for sex.

    Stimulate the clitoris
    Prior to intercourse, you’ll want to spend as much quality time with the clitoris as she can handle. Whether you do this via oral sex or manual stimulation, make sure she climaxes at least once before you move on to penetration; this will help alleviate any performance anxiety you might experience once you’re ready to try the following small penis sex positions.

    10 Small Penis Sex Position Descriptions

    1 – Doggy
    When performed at the correct angle, the doggie can make even the smallest penis feel quite large. You’ll want her positioned in such a way that she’s able to comfortably place her head and shoulders on the pillow, while having her bottom raised in the air. To help create the most effective angle, her back should be arched and her thighs should be drawn together. Not only is this the easiest small penis sex position on our list, but it’s also one of the most popular. http://www.sexinfo101.com/sp_doggystyle.shtml

    Tip: Lean forward during penetration, maintaining as much physical contact as you can comfortably manage; this will keep things intimate, enabling her to reach her sexual peak as quickly as possible.

    2 – Antelope
    This is a nice variant of the doggie. Both of you should kneel on the floor leaning over your couch or equivalent furniture. Open her legs from behind and enter. This position is especially great as her hands are free to self-stimulate, if she so chooses. Backdoor positions ooze power so add some light spanking or role-play to spice it up.

    3 – Standing Doggy
    This is another variant of the doggie. In a venue where lying down is undesirable, this is a great position to practice. It is highly advised that the receiver find a suitably secure object to hold onto or balance themselves against; this will allow for a more enjoyable experience, faster thrusting, and less likely-hood of falling over. http://www.sexinfo101.com/standingdoggy.shtml

    Tip: For variation the receiver should try spreading their legs apart or bringing them together. However, the farther you spread your legs the deeper the giver is going to have to squat to gain access; say hello to burning quads. To overcome height differences, the giver should try squatting, or the receiver should be given something to stand on.

    4 – Snake
    For this small penis sex position, you’ll want your woman lying flat on her belly with her legs closed. For the sake of ease and comfort, slip a pillow beneath her hips until her bottom arches upward. Keeping your knees bent, straddle her hips while maintaining an upright position and place your genitals just behind her bottom. Gently spread her thighs just enough to allow penetration and slide your way in. Take care to keep your weight off her body during intercourse; if you feel the need to brace yourself against something, bend forward until you’re able to touch the bed — it won’t detract much from the position. http://www.sexinfo101.com/sp_rearentry.shtml

    Tip: If you really want a tight fit, hold her thighs together as you penetrate her. This is also an excellent position from which to administer a sexy spanking.

    5 – Rabbit ears
    Lay your woman down on her back, spread her thighs and draw her legs up until her knees are close to her ears. Slip a pillow under her bottom, as this will place her vagina at an angle better suited for this small penis sex position. When you penetrate her, it will feel as though you’re filling her vagina completely. Once sex starts to get wild, however, it can be difficult for a woman to hold her legs in that position. We suggest using your own arms to hold her knees in place; simply place either arm in the crook of her knee before you brace your hands on the bed.

    Tip: This is an excellent position for her to masturbate. You may want to encourage her to slip a hand between your bodies to stimulate her clitoris while you’re rocking her world from inside.

    6 – V-formation
    With your woman lying flat on her back, move between her thighs and enter her as you normally would from a kneeling position. Next, raise her legs and grasp either one around the ankle; you’re going to elevate her legs entirely and then spread them apart until they form a “V.” You’ll be able to thrust quite deeply from this small penis sex position, so you may want to gain leverage by bracing your palms against the wall or a headboard. To do this without changing the position, simply drape her legs over your shoulders.

    The Victory is basically the Missionary position but with the receiver’s legs extended out straight and forming a v-shape toward the ceiling. To get into the position, the receiver simply lies down on their back while their partner lies face-down on top of them. The receiver then extends the legs as shown. http://www.sexinfo101.com/victory.shtml

    Tip: This position will give you an excellent opportunity to tease her clitoris. Free one of your hands up by resting one of her legs on your shoulder, and stimulate her clit until she orgasms.

    7 – Cowgirl
    It’s no surprise that this classic male pleasure position has stood the test of time; maximum penetration for both partners allows for some of the best sex imaginable. It makes our list for one simple reason: She does all the work. You’re certainly welcome to help her along, but most of the physical work is carried out by her. This means you can lie back and enjoy the view as she bobs and jiggles her way (and yours) to orgasm. The cowgirl also provides maximum penetration, which equals maximum stimulation for you. http://www.sexinfo101.com/sp_cowgirl.shtml

    8 – Reverse Asian Cowgirl
    The Reverse Asian Cowgirl position is a variation of Asian Cowgirl, and is basically the same position as the regular Cowgirl except that the receiver is facing away from their partner and plants their feet instead of kneeling. Although not a big deal for the young and nimble, this position can be extremely difficult and tiring for many receivers, so their partner should offer some support using their hands whenever possible. A very popular twist to the regular Cowgirl position, it is definitely a must try for those that can! http://www.sexinfo101.com/reverseasiancowgirl.shtml

    9 – Cross
    The Cross position differs from the Scissors positions because the giver lies at right angles to the receiver, with their lower body under both the receiver’s bent legs; the receiver being laid on their back in the Missionary position. This angle decreases skin contact but allows for a more unique angle for penetration. http://www.sexinfo101.com/cross.shtml

    Tip: One improvement modification is for the man to slide his lower leg under her derrière and back. This provides her with some support, rather than her having to keep her hips elevated the entire time.

    10 – 69
    The 69 Sex Position is considered one of the best oral intercourse positions as it allows both partners to stimulate each other at the same time. Since the smaller partner may not enjoy having a substantially larger partner on top, in the standard form of 69, as in the animation above, the male is below. http://www.sexinfo101.com/sp_sixtynine.shtml

    While it’s true that society tends to place a great deal of importance on size, the simple truth is that a penis of any size can bring a woman to orgasm, provided the man makes the most of what he has. Yes, that might mean you need to stimulate her clit during intercourse, but that’s often necessary with a large penis as well. Foreplay is what matters most; one good orgasm from a man’s tongue will pretty much win any woman over. Combine that with our small penis sex positions and your woman will be more than satisfied, we promise.




    Thanks, Good to know }:D

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