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  • #744

    I don’t know how to write a review that would even come close to doing justice to the experience I had with Michelle Lai recently. Counting this party, I’ve now partied with Michelle four times—all in the sixties bungalow. My first party with her was just fifteen months ago, and that first one was spectacular! But, amazingly, each successive encounter Michelle and I have is better, emotionally deeper, and helps me greatly.

    Before each party, I let her know what I’m thinking about doing during our encounter. She really pays attention to what makes me happy and easily transitions into roles when we’re playing. Moreover, she’ll expand upon my initial concepts and improve them! In all my years going to Sheri’s I’ve never partied with another lady as intuitive, intelligent or compassionate as Michelle. By the way, I know I said it before in an earlier review, but her eyes and smile will melt the hardest heart.

    Michelle is already guilty of making me break my own rule. I never intended to party with the same lady more than twice. But, now, I’m already looking forward to having a fifth party in a row with this sensual and seductive goddess of delights. Thank you again Lady Michelle! Looking forward to our spring party!

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