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  • #10530

    I just viewed the grounds using Google Maps and also took the visual tour. Are the tennis courts and other outdoor areas further away from the main building part of the tour?

    I’m also asking because I’m the sort of man who can get into a certain mood or mindset after being outdoors for a bit with a lady.


    Weather and time of day permitting, I do believe a tour would/could include the outdoor areas. It is my understanding that use of them is restricted to hotel guests (although, you probably could include a dip in the pool with a bungalow-type party).

    Regarding “certain moods or mindsets”…keep in mind that no sexy-time activities can take place outdoors. Much to the chagrin of the nature-lovers among us.

    Also, tours are often a way to transition from the initial meet & greet, into a party…sort of a decompression chamber, so to speak, where you can chat, see everything, and perhaps from some coherent thoughts before diving into a negotiation.

    Best of luck!


    Clients requesting a tour may ask their Courtesan if she’ll include the brothel and courtyard area too. The VIP Bungalows are outside the main brothel building across the courtyard on the far eastside of the property. There is no tennis court currently in use but there’s a volleyball/badminton court instead. In addition there’s a hot tub and swimming pool in the outdoor area too. There’s a circular sidewalk that many Courtesans and guests use for their morning exercise run or walk.


    Actually there is a tennis court off to the hotel side of the bungalows but it is fenced and usually locked. Also the court has some cracks so not sure what condition it is in. I haven’t ever seen anyone using it.

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