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  • #17532

    So I posted a review (which is currently being reviewed before being posted) for my Tuesday-Wednesday double-header with Paloma, but I felt like she deserves recognition on the forums since I didn’t remember seeing any experience topics featuring her. Let me, the former 25-year-old virgin be the first!

    I love to do background research, especially when I’m about to jump into something completely over my head. When I found Paloma’s twitter account, I instantly knew that she would be a perfect match. I predicted that she would be enthusiastic with a personality which alternates between sultry to adorable. I was dead-on in that regard.

    On Tuesday, the nerves hit me like a gut-punch right as I rang the bell. The hostess brought out Paloma and I was floored. While giving me the tour, I knew she and I would click. I loved her playful sarcasm and quick wit so much that we went straight to negotiations right after the tour. I was a wreck on Tuesday, stumbling over my words and becoming so distracted by the temptress in front of me, that I’d just blank. Paloma just playfully teased me and called it cute. After having her in different positions and realizing just how much she loved the lay, I booked her for the next day.

    Around 24 hours later, she greeted me with an energetic embrace that almost bowled me over onto the couch. Today, she would indulge me in my most coveted fetish. She would break out into giggle fits which I found to be the cutest thing ever. Finally, when the time came, Paloma made sure that I was not just satisfied, but elated with her efforts.

    When I got back out to my car, I had a revelation: Those two days gave me not just everything I wanted out of a sexual encounter, but an impossible to quantify extra. Whoever told you not to get your hopes up during your first time never had Paloma. I had stratospheric expectations and the reality utterly dwarfed them in comparison.

    If you come across this, Paloma, I want to say thank you again for giving me the greatest two days of my life. I haven’t even left Vegas yet and I can’t wait to return.

    Also, we had plenty of laughs regarding oddly appropriate and well-timed songs/lyrics appearing on her playlist (Like her riding me while Europe’s The Final Countdown blared). What happens as I turn on the radio in my car? Def Leppard’s sexual anthem Let it Go followed by Hendrix’s Foxy Lady. All I could do was laugh historically and recall the fresh memories. Appropriate…just like Paloma’s twitter handle.


    Congratulations on punching your V card! I did wonder about Paloma in a party setting.


    I also had a party with Paloma. She was amazing! I fulfilled my fantasy of picking a girl at a bar and sleeping with her. She gave me a wonderful girlfriend experience, from the beginning to the end. She is truly a very-skilled courtesan! I hope I see her again the next time I go to Vegas!

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