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    does anyone ever want to have sex out under the stars? not enclosed in a building. has Sheri’s or any brothel ever had anything set up so courtesans and customers can have set outdoors? maybe say in a courtyard area.


    i am curious as to the answer, although i would not try it in the summer.


    Kinda depends, if can get an area set up with netting that would keep out bugs but be nonrestrictive as to being outside…. it is interesting, would any ladies be interested?

    Kimmy D

    I would love this! Check out the blog post that our very own Pheonix wrote about it!


    If we ever do offer this I will be the first to jump at the opportunity!!



    Sex under the stars would be amazing. I would feel like the first time i had sex at a camp ground (except nicer). A wide open sky to showcase the beautiful stars. Two bodies intertwined in the moonlight. The thrill of the occasional onlooker. So romantic and thrilling at the same time 🙂


    SO, how do we get the ball rolling? maybe a few areas set up with fabric (to kinda block outside witnesses and give a bit of privacy) maybe a bed in one area, deep tub in another and maybe a few toys in a third? does management need a few customers to request this or ????

    a test may be worthwhile (screen would be necessary to keep insects out)

    Kimmy D

    If you ever meet me in person be sure to ask me about my “sex on the beach” story! Lol it’s a hilarious twist on this


    The netting would be a good start, but if it were too hot and humid, that would put a damper on anythingtoo vigorous.

    Charina Lee

    I could imagine some type of netting that possibly has a fabric woven into it that could give the effect of a silhouette or wet shower door where you couldn’t really see any details, but could see the rhythmic movement of people enjoying the stars….The top would obviously have to be clear so the night sky would look amazing!

    But reality is this would be great for certain months of the year. We have many months where I’d love to do it outdoors.

    Some clubs have sexy dancers behind special material that allows you to see a shadow or a silhouette of the dancer. You get the idea…It would take some technical skills to pull it off…..

    I myself still fantasize about doing pleasurable things in a roomy car or limo….Brings back many memories for me!!!! LOL.



    First time was under stars! Outside sex is always an adventure, wish it was possible to experience it at the ranch in some way. I keep saying we need an old school car setting, make it a drop top and you totally satisfy the outdoor sex fantasy!


    An outside setting would be very cool! I’ve only had one outdoor experience, it was next to a mountain lake under a bunch of pine trees, very fun! I wouldn’t expect you’d need any netting, Pahrump being in the desert and all. Bugs are pretty scarce in the Mojave, you need standing water to breed pests like mosquitoes. I camp all over the Mojave and usually sleep in the open under the stars, never had a bug issue. Snakes and scorpions would be more of a concern. I’d prefer a camp fire to keep the creepy crawlies away (and it adds to the ambiance).

    Flint, it doesn’t get humid in Pahrump, the average relative humidity is something like 30%. It does get hot, but getting sweaty is part of the experience. 🙂


    Yes I forgot that the humidity is almost zero.


    WOW. Great Idea! maybe have a beach area set up where can be in water or on the sand.

    Now I have a fantasy I need to fill. Wonder which Brothel will offer this first?


    We have a “beach” vollyball court but it would need to be cleaned and set up for it…I love this idea, though! Sex out under the stars in Sequoia national park was one of my favorite places that I’ve ever had sex!! It was magical 😉


    <raises hand>Me Too! Does the ranch have anything outside? I was thinking about that last time I went to SR. The ladies room felt a bit like a dungeon.

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