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  • #10308

    I know that a courtesan would choose almost any customer who comes to Sheri’s Ranch.

    But, what really draws her to her client? Appearance? Good body odor? More money? Personality? Anything else?

    Of course, each lady in Sheri’s Ranch must have some turn-offs.


    Good question. In my opinion I think everyone has something special to offer. It can be good looks and money but that doesn’t go far and that facade is so overrated Having a good personality and a sense of humor is what I find most appealing. Some of the people I meet it is hard to fully grasp the depth of their personality due to nerves and shyness, I totally understand being a quiet person myself. It does take time and patience to find these traits. Being in a position where I meet lots of different men and woman constantly and having intimate time with them as well, I learn a lot about different types of people and find other traits I am attracted to and appreciate as well. Just being yourself goes a long way and not trying to be some one your not.

    Kellie Love


    For me, personality goes a long way. Of course the big spender is always a good thing. But I would rather party with a gentlemen who is actually a caring and compassionate individual who is generally interested in what I have to say, in addition to the services that offer, rather than someone who is egotistical, rude, or has unpleasant hygiene. It is a combination of factors that attracts me to someone.




    I appreciate your answers, Allissa and Kellie Love.

    I am not rich, charming, popular, and really handsome. But, I am average-looking, smart, thoughtful, shy, quiet, and maybe boring. Hopefully, beautiful lady (or ladies) at Sheri’s Ranch can put some confidence and other good qualities in me once I arrive there.

    I want to come to Sheri’s Ranch so much but I need more money.


    I think these honest answers benefit us. I am hoping to learn to be better for the ladies.

    Charina Lee

    This is a really great thread you started. I love gentlemen. Kind, considerate, polite, clean, respectful….but with a sense of humor. Someone who doesn’t have to prove he’s a “tough guy”. I like men who are actually respectful not just to women, but to other men. To me, that’s a sign of maturity (no matter what age a man is) and decency.

    Now don’t get me wrong….one of the advantages of being a courtesan at Sheri’s is that I get to experience many different personalities and I can adapt to almost any situation.

    But to me, looks and physique is nice, but it’s still the way a man treats a lady that matters to me! Goodness ranks high with me!



    Boring is awesome too you know 🙂 from my personal experiences I have seen many men, woman, and couples come out at the end of their experience very confident in themselves or relationship. Just exploring a different side of your sexual life and strengthening it just like you would any muscle and it grows along with the confidence that you can try something new and enjoy it. Great Sheri’s ladies can help remind you what you are good at and possibly teach you to be stronger sexually too.


    There are always more techniques and things to learn.

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