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  • #9862

    What is the best time of the day to visit Sheri’s?


    I’d say anytime is a good time to visit. There are always ladies available to party with any time of the day.

    If you’re looking to meet the ladies first and maybe make more of a connection with them then you’d definitely want to visit when the bar is open. If you’re looking for a line-up then anytime is okay, but I really liked meeting the ladies first. I think a lot of the ladies are probably most active after 2pm though.

    I’d recommend looking at the ladies profiles and determine which ladies grab your interest, find out which dates they’ll be available that coincide with when you are planning on visiting, and then email them to figure out a time that suits you both. I’d guess a lot of the other members that have been around longer than me would say the same.

    I really enjoyed my trip out to Sheri’s and I think you will too.

    Angel Parr

    It all depends on what you are looking for. The bar is open from 11am-3am, the restaurant closes at around 9-10pm, and brothel is open 24/7. If you want to maximize your potential to see all or most of the ladies in the house the best time to come is between 1pm-1am. While we are always open us ladies do need to sleep at some point so early in the day when we are getting ready, or late at night when we are winding down there tends to be far less ladies on the floor. There is always someone ready and willing to give you an amazing experience, like I myself tend to stay up till around 4:30-5am, so if you want or need to come in late that’s fine,it all just depends on what type on an experience will suit you best!


    Angel can you give an idea of how many ladies are available throught the day in several hour block segments(i.e. 8 am to noon)?

    Angel Parr

    It all varies but I can give a type of an example. Say we have 20 ladies in the house, we pull shifts from 5am-5pm, 5pm-5am, so late at night or first thing in the morning you can automatically cut that number in half, so you are now down to 10. Out of that 10 who are on shift and supposed to be on the floor, you can assume that 1 slept through the announcements to come to the bar or for the line up, 1 is in the shower, and 1 working out, and one is in a party so you are now down to only 6 out of 20.
    If you come in between 1pm-1am we are usually up and dressed so even if we are not on shift we may still be very likely to be on the floor and available. During those times if we have a house of 20 you can assume that 2-3 are in a party and the rest are able to come out to talk with you so you will still have 17-18 ladies ready to please you.
    Now as I said those are all hypothetical examples of possibilities, we could have more or less ladies available during that time.


    Interesting schedule throughout the day.


    I remember reading about Monday being a day when the ladies arrive or part of the day being the ladies medical day. Does any of this effect the availability of ladies on Monday during late afternoon or evening?


    I like to visit early Sunday through Friday from 11 am to 4 pm to make a connection; hopefully, I can negotiate a party during that time period, and exit the bar to my Courtesan’s bedroom or a VIP Bungalow. The bar and restaurant become busy between 12 noon and 1:30 pm, and there are usually several smokers in the local lunch crowd. In addition, the bar is normally fairly crowded after 5 pm until about midnight.


    Another nice information filled post from firefighter that is very helpful. You’re also more helpful then firefighters during a fire.


    I tend to visit in the early evening when it does not seem that busy. It does depends if i visit mid week versus a weekend.


    Another nice information filled post from firefighter that is very helpful. You’re also more helpful then firefighters during a fire.

    I suspect those firefighters are a little too busy to be answering brothel related questions.

    I do agree that Mr. firefighter is goldmine of information here.

    The Attorney

    I’ve been to Sheri’s twice, both times the friday after Labor Day. The first time was around 1 pm, and the bar was dark, and there were maybe 8-10 ladies sitting in booths with their iPads, and they came up to me one-by-one (though I didn’t make it past #2).

    On my second visit, I made the reservation about 8 am that morning, and arrived around 11:30 am. The reservation was with a lady that was not a morning person (sorry! I should have asked first whether she was a morning or night person). I was sent to the bar to wait for her. There were no ladies in the bar, only an old couple grabbing lunch in a booth, and a guy in his mid twenties from California at the bar counter, just grabbing a burger. I chatted with the bartender for about 30 minutes, discussing water rights in Pahrump – before my lady showed up. It was worth the wait.

    Anyway, from my own experience of two visits, I would agree that it would be best not to go too early. 1 pm is probably good, at least on a weekday, if your planning to chat with the ladies. And if you plan on going earlier, be sure to email sooner, not the same morning like I did.

    John Doe

    For me it’s tonight! after a few years of trying to plan a trip to Sheri’s the best time is when I get there in 8-10 hours.


    No doubt! let us know how things went.


    All of us ladies are on different schedules; some of us prefer to be up in the morning while some of us prefer to be up at night. Either way, I would say that late afternoon/early evening would be the best time to come. That tends to be when a majority of us are up, alert, and ready to have some fun! If you have a particular lady in mind, you can always make an appointment with her to make sure that she is up and ready when you are planning on coming in πŸ™‚ However, you don’t need to come at a particular time….chances are at least one of us will be awake πŸ™‚


    Violet which shift do you prefer?


    I prefer the night shift…I am not much of a morning person πŸ™‚

    Anything before 9:00 am and I will most likely still be asleep.

    Although I do not mind waking up to have some naughty fun πŸ™‚


    Thanks Violet. I have no exoerience with morning sex.

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