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Marci Fan

I can’t compare Sheri’s to any other ranch.I have
been to Sheri’s several times in the past year and a half.But
have never visited another ranch.For me the convenience of the motel,sports bar and restaurant, pool and the hottest ladies in NV all in one place makes it a no brainer.Not to mention the best and hottest bartender Marci.
I am going to comment on a few of your other threads here also.Dress…Wear what makes you comfortable but be clean.Cleanliness goes a long ways.
Pool…Yes you share the same pool as the ladies.Just don’t be offended if some of the ladies leave when you get to the pool.The ladies that haven’t been cleared can have no contact with the clients.
Motel and Limo….Even if the boss is paying for a room in town.Consider renting a car which will be much cheaper in the long run.This will give you more options and if you decide to stay overnight the boss will never know your room in town was empty all night.
Enjoy your trip.
A word to the wise.That pool is a cold sob.

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