(800) 506-3565 media@sherisranch.com

Great job, you performed a magnificent and masterful feat on this new updated website! The new website looks fabulous and I’ve already found it’s a vast improvement. Of course, there will be the normal fine tuning process for which Forum members must demonstrate patience, but that will only serve to make the website that much better in the long run.

One item of note is that the former “All Ladies” thumbnail photos page is no longer visible which is preferred since some of those Courtesans appeared very infrequently and it just served to clutter the old website. However, a Search Ladies operation can be executed to reveal those profiles. A search can be performed for Courtesans that are neither listed under This Week’s Lineup or Scheduled Ladies coming soon. The ability to Search Ladies by Date Range, Search a Lady by Name, or Search for Courtesans that cater to certain party types or specific menu items can be performed at the following hyperlink which is fantastic. Search Ladies: http://www.sherisranch.com/search-ladies.aspx

In addition, the problem of posting reviews to a Courtesan’s Official Page has been resolved effective June 17, 2014 with the implementation of the new updated Sheri’s Ranch Website, so there’s no longer an existing issue. I was able to post a review to Hailey Leigh’s Official Page without any difficulty whatsoever.

Thank You!

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