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Meeting ladies in the bar is a lot easier than you think. Think of the tables being turned and you are the hot chick at the bar everyone wants to talk to. We come up to you and strike the conversation and everyone at Sheri’s is really nice and comfortable to talk to. It’s kinda like speed dating because we have our 10 minutes to talk to you so most girls will try to keep you talking for those whole 10 minutes so you don’t have to worry about not knowing what to say or being shy, let us lead the way:) after 10 minutes if you feel a connection you can go to the ladies room and start talking more intimately or if you are not ready you can continue to meet more ladies and make your decision when your ready. I have told the shy ones before (because really I am a shy one too) you can be a whole different person in the bar. This is your chance to pull out that ultra-confident ego and stop worrying about impressing us, we are here to impress you! We don’t know who you are or your past, so be your best Rico Suave and enjoy the experience.

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