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Sorry Im a lil late 🙂 But here here are my secrets dont tell anyone…

1. I am afraid of the dark 🙁 Yes it’s true. Unless I have a snuggle buddy I need to sleep with the tv and still hear every little scary but not really scary noise.

2. Similiar to Ranchmama, I am also very shy. Extremely dislike group speaking. I do ok with one-on-one which is why some may not notice but throw me in a group and you may think I didnt talk at all. Don’t get me wrong if I have something to say I will say it but I guess I tend to enjoy listening to the conversation more.

3. I like big butts and I can not lie. Everyone can appreciate the curves of a woman and so do I. What a perfect way to confess to one of the best in the house!

4. I was a “good kid” but went to the “bad kid” school. Always had good grades and been ahead just didnt like to go… have always been a work at my own pace kind of person. Went to an Alternative High School where I still barely showed up but managed to graduate a year and a half early with a good chunk of college credits. Ok I’m a little naughty, but you could never tell…punish me in the classroom please 🙂

5. Don’t know how to swim. Angelica has tried to teach me in our pool but I think we had a bit too many cocktails to give it a good effort. That could be an interesting role play idea…

6. Let’s just get it out there… I do have a very sensual side and love to take my time and enjoy eachother but with the right company I love my hair pulled, ass slapped, slight choke when permitted, please and thank you.

Would you have guessed? Thanks Amber for starting this, I enjoyed learning new stuff I would have never known!

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