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Caressa Kisses is back on the Bunny Babes BR website today 6/29. http://www.bunnyranch.com/showgal.php?g=content/BR/Bunnies/caressakisses/1869/2_1&s=27

On 6/10 Caressa tweeted, “I’m Relocating just outside of Vegas.”
On 6/20 she retweeted, “Shes the sweetest thing Sheri’s ranch the 24th thru the 2nd the beautiful @CaressaKisses1 sweetness, Retweeted by Caressa Kisses.”
On 6/28 her tweet @CaressaKisses1 stated, “Little vacation. I will be back at the BR 10 – 22.”

It’s not clear if she’ll actually appear at the BR or LRS when she returns.

She was listed temporarily on SR lineup but didn’t appear apparently.
DH has a non-compete clause in his contracts, so she may have been subject to a lawsuit and couldn’t appear at SR. She may have had good intentions, but was possibly intimidated into returning to the BR.


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